Blind Date

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Fuyuhikos pov

That dumbass Kazuikis been pushing me to go on a date and find the Love of my life. He has this strange idea that I'm lonely or something. After a lot of pressing I'd agreed. I sat at the cafe they arranged for me to meet my date and waited.

Surprisingly peko showed up.

"young master?"

"peko what are you doing here?"

"nagito talked me into it"

"you too huh? Those basturds definitely planned this!" I growled.

"Well it should be fun if it's with you"

"yeah" I muttered

Peko sat across me with a cute smile on her face. I blushed a little. Peko was special to me so maybe this date will actually be enjoyable.

We ordered food and chatted for a while until our dishes arrived. Once we finish eating we payed for our food and left.

She took me to a beautiful park where she remembered practising sword fighting. We walked for a bit and sat down on a empty bench.



"close your eyes."


"just close them!"

I sighed and did what I was told. I felt a pair of soft lips against mine. I opened my eyes to see that peko had kissed me!

"it was my way of saying thank you for a wonderful day" peko said blushing. "plus I put a spell on you so that we'll be soulmates forever."


"I'll see you back home fuyuhiko!"she ran off in a flustered mess.

I was left on the bench with my cheeks tinted pink. I'm going to have to thank nagito and kazuiki for talking me into this.

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