Pekos Mom

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Fuyuhikos pov

Me and peko walked home hand in hand. We've been going out for a while now so it felt natural to walk together. We expected to go home to our regular life. I was wrong.

"peko darling it's good to see you!"


Yep pekos Mom was standing at our front door. The same woman who abandoned her here years ago.

"what do you want?" she growled. Obviously she still holds resentment towards her for abandoning her.

"I've come to speak to you"

"I don't want to talk. Get out!" peko growled taking out her sword.

"wait please let us talk" a pre-teen boy came in between pekos sword and her mom.

"who is this?" she asked.

"this is pico your younger brother" she explained.

"tch didn't take you long to get over me" she sighed putting her sword away.

"that's not true honey I was just scared to talk to you. Pico is the one who gave me the courage to talk to you" pico waved nervously.

"fine he can come in but your staying out!" peko said taking pico inside and slamming the door in her mother's face.

We took pico to her room. The boy had brown hair but his eyes were a piercing red just like his sister.

"it that your boyfriend?" pico asked pointing to me.

"Umm yes we are" peko said blushing.

"cool nice to meet you future brother in law" he grinned.

"aren't you jumping the gun a bit kid" I yelped.

"so pico why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?" peko said trying to change the subject.

"Well I'm twelve years old, I like reading and writing in my spare time and I'm really protective over the people I love" he said.

"yep you two are definitely related" I muttered.

We talked for a bit and I must say I really like pekos kid brother. He's like a more relaxed version of peko. I wonder if peko would have been more like that if she didn't grow up here. I looked out the window to see pekos mother still standing there.

I sighed "peko maybe you should talk to your mom" I said.

"what! After everything she did!"

"I know but she's still your mom. Family do shitty things sometimes but you still should try and be in there lives. Hell my families the worst but I still stick by them cause familys important."

Peko looked back at her mother and sighed "your right. I'll go talk to her" she left the room.

Pico patted me on the back "your pretty cool big bro"

"heh thanks kid" I said ruffling her hair.

I hope things work out between peko and her mom cause peko deserves to be happy.

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