Bonus Chapter: Abby and Max

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"Your daddy is coming over." I smiled, resting my hand over my belly. My stomach has been turning since Maggie and Fallen left. Max is due to be here any minute now.

"Abby." I could hear the panic in his voice as he walked into the living room. Since the wedding, we haven't seen much, of course.

"Hey." I smiled weakly as I looked him over. His hair was all over the place, making him look cute.

"Hey, how are you feeling? I brought you some soup. It's your favorite." I nodded, taking the soup from him as he sat down next to me.

"Thank you. I'm sorry I've been such a terrible best friend." Tears filled my eyes, remembering how much I missed him. Since we were in high school, we were always with each other or at least talking every day.

"How about we watch a movie for now so you can eat your soup. Then we can talk after the movie." I nodded as he tugged me closer.

After finishing the soup, I curled into his side, wrapping my arm around him. His arm came around, landing on my belly.

"Max," I whispered, making patterns on his shirt.


"Do you regret it?"

"The wedding?" I nodded, resting my head against his chest.

"Yes and no." Before I could pull away, his hold on me tightened. He grabbed my fist, bringing it up to his lips, kissing it.

"What I mean is I wish it would have happened differently. I hate how it pulled us apart. Abby, I've dreamed of us being together for a long time." He cupped my chin, running his thumb against my chest. Gently he turned my head, so I was looking up at him.

"Do you regret it?" Tears filled my eyes as I shook my head. Images of that night came flashing back. The way he took care of me held me. It scared me how right everything felt.

"No." He smiled, kissing my forehead as I closed my eyes.

"I love you, Abby, and I know you're scared, but this is right."

"Max," I whispered, trying to get his attention.

"I promise no matter what happens. I will always be by your side."

"Max." I squeezed his hand, making him look at me.

"I'm pregnant." He looked all around my face before looking back up to my eyes. A huge smile broke out on his face making my nerves calm down.



"Can I kiss you?" I didn't answer. I pressed my lips to his. He pulled me against him placing his hand on my belly.

"You're pregnant." He smiled, resting his forehead to mine.

"Now you're stuck with me," I smirked as he brought his lips back to mine.

"I wouldn't want to be anyplace else. Abby, I want to be with you. I want to be there and watch your belly grow and listen to all the weird cravings."

"Max, I'm scared not just about the baby but for us too. This is all so surreal."

"We can take this a slow as you want, or you pick the pace. I'm all in Abby."

"I'm all in too. I don't want to take it slow. This feels too good to go slow."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm in the dream. Everything with the baby is good for now." He nodded, picking me up, making my legs wrap around his waist. We made it back to my room, where he carefully laid me down.


"Please." He nodded, moving the shirt away from my belly, where he pressed his face into my belly.

"Thank you for making your mommy realize what is in front of her." He was right. Suppose it wasn't for the baby. Who knows if we would ever get together. I reached down, bringing his head back to mine, pressing my lips back to his.

"I'm sorry I waited for so long, but it was definitely worth the wait."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I breathed into his lips, feeling as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

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