Chapter 16

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"You ready to see what Fallen is doing?" I asked Luna as I helped her pull her jacket on.

"Then we see daddy?"

"Depends on how busy he is." She accepted my answer as we walked out to the car. I got her buckled in before making my way into the driver's side.


"What, baby?"

"Abby have her baby?"

"No, not for a while. The baby still has to get big and strong before we meet the baby."

"Okay." I smiled as we pulled up to Fallen's. I got Luna out, carrying her inside.

"Honey, I'm home," I yelled as Fallen walked in, smiling at us. Luna jumped down, running over to hug Fallen.

"How's my girl today?"

"Good cookies?"

"We will make some in a little bit. I need to catch up with your mom for a minute. Garret is waiting for you in the living room." She nodded, running into the living room. I smiled, walking over, wrapping my arms around her.

"Hey, how are things with Ty?" I sighed, sitting down at the counter with her.

"Some days are better than others. It nearly killed me watching him break down like that. He's opening up a little bit, but there is still a lot there. I don't want to push him and only make it worse."

"Has he been around JD?"

"Yeah, and I know he's a trigger, but I think it's good for them. They can lean on each other and maybe talk about what they went through."

"I hope so. How are you three?"

"We're good otherwise."

"Thinking about adding on?" She smirked.

"Yes, we have talked about it. With everything going on, I want to make sure he's ready. Enough about me, how is the married life treating you?"

"I love it. Everything is the same, but it feels different."

"Hey, sorry, I'm late." I turned to find Abby smiling at us as she walked over to us.

"Hey, look at you, looking, cute momma."

"Finally started to show. Max is over the moon about it."

"You and Max," I smirked as she sat down next to me.

"He is so good to me. I knew he would be but damn." She blushed, making us smile.

"Wish you could have been together sooner?"

"Yes and no. I think I appreciate him more than I did before. Next week we find out the gender." She beamed, resting her hand against her belly.

"That's so exciting! Do you know what you want?"

"Honestly, I would be happier with either, but I'm leaning towards a girl."

"Mom," Luna yelled, running into the kitchen with Garret following behind her. Once she realized Abby was here so ran right over to her.

"Hey munchkin, I missed you."

"Miss you." She hugged her before turning back to me. I reached for her pulling her into my side.

"I miss my tiny baby. You were so little." I squeezed her kissing her forehead.

"Mom." she groaned, making me loosen my arms.

"So what are we doing for Christmas this year?" Fallen asked to bring my attention back to her.

"I think we should do it at the bar this year. More room and we don't have to clean the house. Any of the employees can hang out or anyone else."

"I like that idea."

"I agree."

"Think Ty and Max will be okay with it?"

"Okay with what?" I turned around, finding Tyler and Max. Max walked over, wrapping his arms around Abby. Luna pulled away from me, running over to hug him.

"We are thinking about having Christmas at the bar," I said, leaning in for a kiss.

"I'm okay with it. I thought maybe the three of us could spend Christmas Eve at the cabin."

"Is it done?"

"Just about, but it will be ready by then?" I nodded, thinking about how cozy it would be.

"Hmm, sounds perfect. We will have to get decorations."

"When we get a tree?" Luna asked.

"Maybe tomorrow." Tyler smiled at her kissing her cheek.


"Hey, I have to run to the bar and get the inventory paper. Do you want me to pick up dinner?" I asked, walking into the living room where Tyler and Jake were. Luna is in her room, taking a nap.

"No, I'll make us dinner."

"You don't have to do that?"

"What don't trust me?" he smirked as I walked over to him.

"Yes and no. I can pick something up. It's okay." He shook his head, wrapping his arms around me.

"I promise you will both love it. Now go so you can come home."

"Fine, make sure you wake her in a minute. Love you."

"Love you too." I leaned in for a kiss before leaving for the bar. Sam and JD are working tonight, so it will be good to see how things are going.

"Hey Maggie, inventory is ready for you in the office."

"Thanks. Hey JD, how do you like the bar?" He sat down the beer for the customer before turning towards me.

"It's different, but I like it."

"Good, I'm glad. The apartment is still okay right?"

"Yes, Maggie, everything is good. I appreciate everything you guys have done for me."

"Of course, you are family. Speaking of we were talking earlier and decided to have Christmas here. If you are up for it, you are more than welcome to join us. All employees are invited.

"Thanks, I will think about it." I nodded, heading into the office, grabbing what I needed.

"All right, I'm out of here. Tyler is making dinner, and I want to make sure he doesn't burn down the house. Call me if you need anything."

"Go home, we will see you later," Sam yelled as I headed home. Walking into the house, I heard giggling. Smiling, I walked into the kitchen, finding them both covered in flour.


"Hi, honey, what are you and daddy making?"


"Sounds good. You got a little flour on your nose." I smiled, wiping it with my thumb.

"Everything okay."

"Yeah, everything is okay. I invited JD to Christmas."

"It will be good for him." I nodded, walking over, wrapping my arms around his waist. He sighed, relaxing into my touch.

"Daddy, what do you want for Christmas?"

"I all ready have everything I want. I have you and mommy." He smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

"What about you, mom?'

"I have all I need." I smiled.

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