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Agony washed over me, watching Maggie hunch over in pain. I rubbed her back, trying to help her soothe her pain. Fallen was on the other side of her holding her hand.

"Almost done, Maggie." I heard my sister say as the contraction was going to an end. Maggie relaxed against the bed as I moved, sitting on the edge of her bed. I took her free hand, bringing it to my lips, kissing under her ring.

"I'm so sorry. I hate seeing you in so much pain." Tears filled my eyes as she reached up, cupping my face wiping my tears away.

"Pretty soon, our baby will be here, and the pain will be gone." I nodded, kissing her palm as I leaned down, pressing my forehead to hers.

"No more."

"Even if it's another girl." I nodded. As much as I would like to have a boy, I do not want to see Maggie like this again. I know she would do it all over again, but I am not prepared.

"We will talk about this a different day." I nodded, kissing her.

"There's someone that wants to see their mommy." I pulled away from Maggie, seeing Luna standing in the doorway with my sister. I moved to allow Luna to curl up with her mom.

"We're going to give you guys a minute." She nodded, curling Luna into her side. I walked into the hallway, joining my sister.

"How are you holding up?" I sighed, wiping my hands down my face.

"Not great. I hate seeing her in pain, and there's nothing I can do." She turned to wrap her arms around me.

"Ty, you're doing everything. Take it from someone who was in her position. You are doing everything. Rubbing her back, holding her hand, and soothing her is helping. Even for just a second, it takes the pain away." I nodded, wrapping my arms around her.

"Thank you for everything." I pulled away, looking back into her room. Maggie had her head resting against Luna's shoulder as Luna play with her hair. Quietly I walked back into the room, taking the seat next to her bed.

"Mommy hurt, so I make her better." Luna shrugged as if it was that easy.

"Are you ready to be a big sister?"

"Hope it's a girl."

"We will find out soon." I smiled, wrapping my arm around them as I kissed the back of their heads.


An overwhelming feeling that I needed to push. I reached for Tyler's hand as he quickly looked at me.

"I need to push." I hissed out, making the nurse quickly turn around. She made her way over to me, making sure it was okay.

"Okay, Maggie, on the next contraction." She said before yelling to another nurse to get our doctor. I looked at Tyler as he nodded his head.

"I'm right here, squeeze as hard as you need." I nodded as the overwhelming feeling became too much. I squeezed Tyler's hand as I started pushing.

"Good, Maggie, the baby is right there."

"You are amazing, Mags. Focus on me and breathe. Our baby is almost here." He kissed my cheek, giving me strength.

"One more momma." I sat up, pushing with every little bit of strength I have left. I glanced at Tyler finding tears in his eyes.

"It's a girl!" The doctor smiled as my daughter let out a piercing cry. I collapsed against the bed, watching them clean her off.

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?" They smiled as he nodded through his tears. Carefully he cut her cord before she moved to my chest.

"Hi." I smiled, looking over her little features.

"Hi, sweetheart." Tyler moved closer, taking her little fist in his hand.

"Does she have a name yet?" I looked at Tyler and nodded. We decided not to find out the gender but pick out a name instead.

"Lennon Jane Rollins."

"Are you ready to hold her?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, she will be back in a little bit. I am sure she is getting hungry. Take off your shirt." He nodded, taking off his shirt before carefully taking her into his arms. I smiled, watching her curl up on her dad's chest for the first time. He sat there looking her over before resting his forehead on her little one.

"You're named after your grandma. She would have loved you. I have dreamed of this day for a long time. I promise I am always going to be there if you or your sister need me. You officially made me a girl's dad, and I could not be happier. I love you, little Lennon." He rocked her before it was time to come back into my arms.

"Momma's got you now, so let's get you something to eat." Tyler moved over, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching. I helped Lennon latch on before looking back up to Tyler.

"Two daughters, how are you feeling?"

"Like the luckiest guy on earth." He smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"And we love you." We kissed her cheeks before hearing a knock on the door. Tyler pulled away, walking over to the door.

"Baby here?" Luna yelled, looking around before finally locking eyes with me.

"Come here but be careful." Tyler scooped her, upbringing her closer so she could see her sister.

"Baby is eating."

"So, boy or girl?" I heard Fallen ask. I looked up at Luna and smiled.

"Meet your sister Lennon Jane."

"Yes!" She cheered as Tyler set her down on the bed. She crawled up on my opposite side so she could get a close-up. I wrapped my arm around her, holding both my daughters.

"It's perfect, and it fits."

"Can I hold her?"

"As soon as she's done."

"She looks like daddy." She looks more like Tyler right now, but I know that will change. Lennon pulled away as Luna got down. Tyler took Lennon and carefully placed her in her arms.

"Love you, sissy."

Knowing our girls were being looked after, Tyler came over and sat on the edge of my bed. I moved over, making room for him so I could curl into his side. His arm wrapped around me as he kissed my temple.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For all of this. I have two amazing little girls, and don't get me started on their mother. Thank you for showing me how happy I can be."

"Thank you for coming back."

"I will always come back to you. I can't wait for you to be my wife."

"In a couple of more months." I smiled, leaning in for a kiss.

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