Chapter 1

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"Tyler Rollins." I smiled as he walked up and sat at the bar. The dog followed taking its spot next to him on the floor.

"Maggie it's good to see you. Is he okay to be in here?" I nodded looking down at the dog.

"Yeah, what can I get you two?"

"I'll just have water with a burger and fries."

"Okay, I'll put it in."

"Thank you." I nodded taking his order handing it over to the cook.

"Is that?" My best friend Abby asked as she walked over to me. I looked back over at the man that I haven't seen in three years. This Tyler is different, not the Tyler I once knew. The last time I saw Tyler he ripped out my heart and walked all over it.

"Yeah, it is. I'm sure he's in town for his sister's wedding." Tyler's sister Fallen and I have been friends since I moved here while we were in high school.

"Are you going?"

"Abby not right now please." I hissed not wanting to talk about the past. She nodded as I walked back over to Tyler.

"Your sister was here, she didn't say you were in town," I said trying to figure out why she wouldn't tell me her brother was in town.

"I wanted to surprise her but I might change my mind." I looked into his eyes seeing nothing but darkness.

"Why I'm sure she would be happy to see you?"

"I don't know about that. I don't think you're that happy to see me either." He is right I'm not happy to see him. Tyler and I were on bad terms when he left and I'm not sure I can forgive him for that.

"Look a lot has happened since the last time we saw each other. I just want to move on and live my life." He nodded looking down at the dog, running his hand over his head.

"For what it's worth I'm sorry." I nodded trying to hold back the tears as I walked back to get his food.

"You okay?" Abby asked as I threw the dishtowel.


"Go, home boss, I can handle it here."

"Are you sure?" She nodded squeezing my shoulder.

"Yeah, give my girl a kiss for me."

"Thank you." I hugged her before heading to my office grabbing my things. I snuck out the back so I wouldn't have to run into Tyler again.

Quietly I walked into the house setting my things down. I walked into the living room where my neighbor Mrs. Bowan was.

"Maggie, your home early." I nodded looking over at Luna's door.

"Abby let me go. How was she?"

"Good as always. Went to sleep after only one book this time." I smiled, my little girl can go through a couple of books a night.

"Thank you for watching her."

"Of course. I love that little girl. I'll let you enjoy the rest of the night and see you tomorrow." I walked her out before going to check on Luna. My sweet girl was curled up with her favorite book and stuffed animal clutched to her chest. I walked over, taking the book from her setting it on the table.

"Love you Luna girl." I wished against her forehead, kissing her.

"Mommy." she stirred looking at me.

"Hey, baby go back to sleep okay."

"Love you, mom."

"Love you too." I gave her another kiss before making my way to my room.

"Who is that?" I asked looking out towards the garage.

"That's my older brother Tyler." Fallen shrugged grabbing a bottle of water. I turned back to her brother who is now shirtless. Sweat was pouring down his sculptures back.

"Maggie," Fallen whispered yelled.

"Huh." I turned to bring my attention back to her.

"You ready to start school?"

"Uh-huh." I turned my attention back to her brother only to find he wasn't there. Disappointment filled me as I turned back to her.

"Hey ladies. Fallen want a hug." Tyler smirked opening his arms for her, making her shriek.

"You're so gross, take a shower."

"Nah I'm good, who is this?" He turned to me looking me over, making my insides flip.

"This is Maggie and she is new to town." He smiled showing me his perfect teeth.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Mags. I'm sure ill be seeing you around. For now, I'm going to take a shower."

"It's Maggie," I yelled after him only for him to smirk back.

"Sorry, he's a pain in the ass." A hot pain in the ass I thought to myself.

"Mommy I'm hungry." I groaned opening my eyes to find my daughter's smiling face.

"Good morning to you too." I smiled pulling her into my arms.

"Were you dreaming?"

"Yeah it was a memory of when I met your aunt Fallen." and your dad, I whispered not letting her know that little detail.

"Can we see her today?" I sighed running my fingers through her hair. The hair that matched her father's dirty blonde only hair, only longer.

"Maybe, I will have to see." When Fallen told me she was getting married, it oddly didn't occur to me that her brother would be there. The last time I've seen or spoken to him was the night our daughter was conceived.

"Okay, but can we eat."

"Sure, let's go find something to eat and I will text her." She smiled jumping off the bed as I followed her into the kitchen. I grabbed my phone sending a message off to Fallen. I'm not sure she knows her brother is in town yet.

"Where's my favorite girl?" I heard turning to the back door where Fallen stuck her head in.

"Aunt Fallen." Luna ran over wrapping her arms around her. I smiled taking a seat at the table.

"Hey, can you give us a minute I need to talk to her? You can eat in the living room." She nodded as I helped her bring in her breakfast.

"So what's up?"

"I'm assuming you don't know since your here. Tyler is back in town, he stopped at the bar last night." Sadness filled her eyes as she looked at me.

"I was hoping he would see me. I'm just glad he is here." When Tyler left he not only hurt me, he hurt everyone around him.

"I'm happy for you, but it scares the shit out of me. He's different Fallen." I sighed thinking about those sad eyes.

"He's been through a lot and I'm sure he's not going to want to talk about it. This might be your chance though." I know she is right but it still scares me. How would it affect our daughter?

Luna MoonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin