Chapter 3

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"Morning, beautiful." Dylan wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek.

"Morning." I turned, kissing him.

"So what are you girls doing today?"

"Luna has been dying to go to the lake, so I think I'm going to see if the girls want to go."

"Hmm, I'm jealous. Maybe later we can have a date just the two of us." I nodded, resting my head against his shoulder.

"Morning." Luna walked in with her baby blanket following behind her.

"Morning, baby. I was thinking of seeing what Aunt Fallen and Aunt Abby were doing. Maybe we could go to the lake or something."

"Please!" She yelled, making me smile.

"Go eat your breakfast, and I'll get ahold of them." She nodded as Dylan helped her with her breakfast.

"You girls have fun today. I will talk to you later. I love you."

"Love you too." I turned, kissing him goodbye. I sent the girls a message before joining Luna in the living room. Looking at Luna now, as I can see, is Tyler.

"Mom." She said, bringing me out of my thoughts.


"Can we get a dog?"

"Nope." I grabbed her bowel into the kitchen. Both girls replied, saying they would meet us at the lake.

"Looks like we are going to the lake." I smiled as she walked into the kitchen next to me.

We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up her playroom and getting ready. Luna jumped out of the jeep as I opened the door for her. Fallen came over, scooping her into her arms.

"There's my favorite girl. You ready to go swimming?"

"Hurry up!"

"Luna! Sunscreen first, and we have to put floaties on."

"Abby should be here soon. Let's go find a spot." I nodded Fallen over to an open spot. Abby walked over just as I got Luna ready to go.

"Feet on in the water unless an adult is with you." She nodded, running over to the water.

"So how was it seeing him again?" Abby asked as I sighed. It's been a couple of days since I first saw Tyler at the bar. Other than running into him at the store, he's kept his distance.

"Unreal, I knew he was going to be at the wedding, but I wasn't prepared to see him. Seeing him brought back a lot of painful memories."

"Mags, please open the door." I slammed my book shut, walking over to the door. Tyler was leaning against my door, looking a mess. His hair was all over the place, with his face filled with emotion. Before he got the chance to say anything, I slammed the door in his face.

"Mags, please."

"No, you've made your choice. Now leave."

"Not like this. Please let me explain." I looked over at the picture of my dad and me. Tears filled my eyes, causing my vision to blur.

"Mags." The door opened, and his arms were around me in seconds.

"I need you here."

"I wish I could, but I have to go. I wouldn't say I like this as much as you do. Your dad has taught me so much, and he knew this is what I had to do. I want to be able to give you everything you deserve."

"He never told me he was joining the army. When my dad died, I needed him the most, and he wasn't there. She was the best part that came out of that mess." I looked over at Luna building a sandcastle.

"Are you going you tell him?"

"I know I need to, but I don't know how long he's staying. I know she's going to start asking about him sooner or later."

"You two need to talk. Does Dylan know?"

"He knows he's in town for the wedding but doesn't know I've seen him."

"Momma, come to play." I smiled, taking the distraction going over to Luna. I scooped her up, carrying her in the water. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I let her head hit the water. She giggled, making me smile.

"Are you having fun?"

"Yes!" I smiled, leaning down to kiss her.

"Momma, look." I looked over to find the guys had joined us, Max with Abby and Garret. Tyler walked slowly behind them with Jake.

"Max!" She yelled, making him turn around.

"There's my girl!" He smiled as we walked over to them.

"Sorry to crash your party."

"Swim with me." She looked at Max as he looked at me.

"Listen to him. Watch her, Max."

"I will."

"Hey Maggie, we just wanted to come to say hi." Garret smiled, giving Fallen a kiss. I nodded as I walked over to my chair. Tyler joined us, sitting close to me.

"Hey, Mags." My heart fluttered, hearing my nickname. To this day, Tyler is the only one to call me that.


"Is there any way we can talk for a minute?" He whispered, not sure of himself. I looked him over, as my heart broke for him all over again.

"Go, we will watch her," Abby said as she made her way over to Max and Luna.

"Jake, stay," Tyler commanded as we walked over to one of the benches a few yards away.

"I dreamed of the day I would see you again. I know I don't have the right to say that anymore, but it's so good to see you."

"You're right, you don't, but I'm glad to see you," I whispered, looking over at Luna.

"Look, I want to apologize for everything that happened before I left."

"Tyler, please." I shook my head, not wanting to get into it here.

"I want you to be happy. I know I have a bad way of showing it." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. His thigh began to shake, letting me know something was wrong.

"Tyler." I grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down.

"Jake's the only one that can do that." He smiled, looking down at our hands.

"I want you to know I'm happy. I met a guy that treats me well and treats my daughter better. " He nodded as I pulled our hands apart, walking over to the group. Looking at Fallen, I knew it was hurting her the longer I didn't tell Tyler.

"Momma, snack." Luna came over, running over, jumping into my lap. She turned her head, so she was now facing Tyler.

"Who are you?" Luna asked Tyler.

"My name is Tyler. I'm Fallen's big brother."

"Cool, I want a brother." I whipped my head over to look my daughter over. Never has she expressed an interest in a little sibling.

"Maybe one day, you will."

"Mommy, I want a brother." My cheeks went red, looking up at Tyler.

"Maybe one day. Maybe your aunt Fallen will give you a cousin instead." I smiled. Luna shook her head, continuing to talk to Tyler about a little sibling. As much as I want to break up the conversation, it's one of their first conversations.

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