Chapter 21

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"Are you nervous?" I turned to my sister, who is smiling at me. Her four-month little girl curled in her arms, making faces at me. I cannot wait for our little to be here.

"More than I thought I would, but it's time." Today we are doing family photos, and I am also proposing to Maggie. Maggie took pictures on her own before Luna ran over for her turn.

"I'm so excited for you guys. How is she doing with everything?" I smiled, remembering when Maggie's belly popped out so we could see it.

"She's been amazing. Being able to watch her grow and see our baby. I hate that I missed it with Luna, but I think it makes me appreciate Maggie more." She nodded as she looked back over to where Maggie and Luna were getting their picture taken.

"I'm happy for you guys, and good luck." I smiled, hugging her. Max came over, carrying little Willow in his arms.

"Who would have thought this is where we would be. Beautiful wives and beautiful baby girls." I nodded, reaching for Willow, pulling her into my arms.

"You are one lucky little girl Willow. One day you will understand why you should never settle for less. Your dad fought hard for your mom, and thanks to you, she realized what was right in front of her."

"She definitely helped move things a little faster." Max smiled, tickling Willow.

"What are you telling my daughter?" we turned to find Abby smirking at us. Abby is the key; she has the ring.

"Oh, nothing."

"Come here, baby girl." I handed Willow back over to Abby as she handed me the ring.

"Good luck." Abby gave me a side hug before making my way over to my girls. Luna smiled, wrapping my arms around my legs.

"I think it's my turn to take pictures with mommy." She nodded, running over to her aunt while I turned and looked at Maggie. The sun is highlighting her just right, showing off her baby bump. I walked over, resting my hands on her belly as she rested her hands on my hips.

"You look breathtaking," I whispered, resting my forehead to hers.

"Thank you for this."

"It's long overdue, and I promise once this one is here, we can do this again." I smiled, cupping her cheeks, making her sigh. I rested my nose against her cheek breathing her in.


"Hmm." She whispered, closing her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I looked at the photographer giving her a nod.

"When I came back here, I had no intention of staying here. Seeing you again made my heart start beating again. The more time I spent around you, I knew I could not leave again. Then I met a little person who scares me more than anything, but I love it more than this world. Mags, you are my best friend. I do not want to go another day without you. I love you, Mags, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." carefully I pulled away from her getting down on one knee.

"Will you make me the happiest man and be my wife?"

"Say yes, mommy!" Luna yelled as I watched her mother for an answer.

"Of course, yes!" She nodded, tears streaming down her face. I stood up, wiping her tears away with my thumbs as I leaned in, kissing her.

"I've dreamed of this since I was eighteen."

"Me too, baby." I smiled, pulling her in, so her head is resting against my chest. On the hardest days, Maggie kept me alive. Coming back here, it was not just Maggie. It was the family I was fighting for.

"Do I get to wear a pretty dress?" Luna ran over, wrapping her arms around our legs.

"Sure, do, baby girl." I pulled away from Maggie, scooping Luna into my arms. Maggie wrapped her arms around my waist as I held my girls in my arms.

"I'm so excited." We smiled, leaning to kiss her cheeks.

"Congratulations." My sister came over, hugging us.

"Luna is staying with us tonight." Maggie looked at me, and I nodded, making her sigh.

After spending time with everyone, we made our way back to the house. Jake jumped out of the truck as I ran over, helping Maggie out of the truck. She giggled as I carried her in my arms up to the front door. Carefully with her help, I opened the front door.

"You're supposed to wait till we're married to do that." She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss.

"Well, we do things a little different around here," I smirked, giving her another kiss. We made it over to the couch, where she moved to straddle my lap.

"This is all so surreal."

"You're happy, right." She nodded, resting her forehead against mine.

"You, Tyler Rollins, has officially made me the happiest I've ever been. I have dreamed of this day since I first saw you working in the garage. When you left, I always hoped you would find your way back to me. Having Luna, I knew I was always going to have a piece of you."

"Now we got this little one." I rested my hands on her belly, where the baby started to move. She pulled away, resting her hands on top of mine.

"Your mommy and daddy are so excited to meet you."

"Are we going to find out?" She asked as I looked up at her.

"What do you think about another surprise. We have all the little girl things but a boy."

"We can find gender mutual."

"Whatever you want." I smiled, pressing my lips to hers.

Waking up, I reached for Maggie pulling her back into my arms. She rested her head against my chest, squeezing my middle. I kissed her forehead, sighing in content. My hand rested on her belly, feeling the baby give me a nice kick. Maggie groaned, moving her face into my neck.

"Don't worry, baby. Daddy is here. I love you very much. Your momma is the best thing that ever happened to me. She gave me you and your big sister. I can't wait to call her my wife."

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