Chapter 15

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"You and Abby, huh?" I smirked as Max climbed into the truck. JD is flying in today; Max and I are headed to the airport to pick him up.

"I know it's crazy. I'm grateful for that baby that finally got their mom to realize what was right in front of her."

"I'm happy for you, man. Being a dad is the scariest but most rewarding thing I've ever done."

"You and Maggie going to have more?"

"That is the plan. She wants to wait a little longer, but I am sure that's going to change. With Abby pregnant, I'm sure my sister is not far behind her. So, it's only a matter of time."

"Could you imagine all three of them pregnant?"

"No, but I can't wait to see Mags pregnant. I've seen pictures, but to experience it with her, I'm ready."

"I know what you mean." I sighed in content. I cannot change the past, but I know this time around I will be there.

"There he is." I smiled as JD made his way over to us. Jake barked out excitement, giving JD a sniff.

"Hey, Jake, good to see you and your old man." He smiled as I hugged him.

"Glad to have you here. JD, this is my best friend since we were kids Max. Max, this is my buddy JD."

"Hey, nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

"Yeah, you too."

"Let's get out of here," I said as we helped JD with the bags. We put the bags in the truck before getting in and heading over to the bar.

"Are you sure it's okay I stay here?"

"Of course, Maggie insisted on it. I would set you up at the cabin, but it's not quite ready yet." I looked back as he nodded his head.

Pulling up to the bar, Jake jumped outside, running inside. Since they came into our lives, Jake has been protective of our girls as well. Max and I helped JD carry his bags in to find Abby at the bar.

"Hey." Max smiled, making Abby look over at us. She smiled, making her way over to Max, kissing him.

"Hey, you must be JD. I'm Abby. Maggie is in her office, but she should be out soon."

"I'll be right back," I smirked, walking over to her office door, knocking.

"Excuse me, are you the manager? I want to make a formal complaint," I smirked, making her whip her head to me.

"Oh yeah, what is that?" She smirked, getting up, walking over to me.

"That you are too sexy."

"Any way I can fix that?"

"I think we can work something out." I leaned down, pressing my lips to hers as I wrapped my arms around her.

"As much as I want to get into this with you, we have a guest."

"Yes, boss."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I gave her another kiss before bringing her out where everyone else is.

"JD, I would like you to meet my girl, Maggie. Mags, this is my buddy JD."

"It's nice to meet you finally. This guy would not shut up about you. Now I hear you two have a little girl."

"We do, and you will meet her either tonight or tomorrow. JD, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask."

"Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Of course. We are going to let you get settled. Dinner on the house if you tell us stories about this one." She smirked, wrapping her arm around my waist.

"You got yourself a deal." He laughed, picking up his bag.


"Daddy, where are we going?" Luna asked as I climbed back into the truck.

"We're going to meet daddies' friend at the bar," I told her as I reached over, taking Maggie's hand in mine.

"You okay?" Maggie asked, squeezing my fingers.

"Yeah, seeing him brings me back a little." She nodded, leaning over, kissing my cheek.

"I'm here." I kissed her knuckles as we pulled into the bar. I got out and pulled Luna into my arms. Jake came over, walking close to me as Maggie came over, wrapping her arm around me.

"It's about time." My sister yelled, making me groan. I set Luna down so she could run over to her aunt.

"Good to see you too, sis." I groaned, hugging her. Maggie hugged her before I pulled her into the booth.

"Abby coming?"

"No, she's not feeling good. Max is with her taking care of her." Maggie said as I wrapped my arm around her pulling her into me.

"Excuse me, are you Luna?" I turned to find JD smiling at Luna. She frowned, looking over at Maggie and me.

"You're a stranger." She said before racing over to Maggie's side.

"It's okay, honey. This is Daddy's friend JD." Jake walked over to him, letting Luna know he was okay. Luna perked up, walking over to hug him.

"You know Jake."

"Yeah, I with your daddy when we found him."

"Really?" He nodded, taking a seat as she climbed into his lap. He smirked, telling the story of how we met.

"Yep, ready to hear how I know Jake." She nodded as my arms tightened around Maggie. She turned, giving me a kiss calming me down.

"Your daddy and I were making our rounds."

"Tanner," JD yelled next to me as another shot was fired. Tanner turned just as his dog sat, meaning there was an IED.

"Your daddy stayed with Jake until he got better." She smiled, listing to the rest of his stories.

"Come here, princess, time to get you home." I pulled a sleeping Luna from JD's arms.

"Thank you, guys, for hanging out with me."

"Of course, and you know if you need anything, just let me know. Sam will be here if you need anything while I'm not here."

"Thank you for everything."

We said our goodbyes before heading home. Maggie squeezed my hand, bringing my attention back to her.

"I'm going to get in the shower. You go lay her down." I nodded as she kissed her. I made my way to Luna's room, laying her down. She stirred a little as I pulled her pajama's out, quickly changing her.

"Love you, baby girl." I kissed her forehead as Jake jumped on the bed. Sighing, I walked to the bathroom where Maggie was. I stripped down before joining her in the shower. She turned to wrap her arms around me as I pulled her into me.


"You and Luna are the best parts of me. Jake was not my dog. He was Tanner's. Seeing them lay there like that. Mags, I cannot unsee it. Jake shouldn't have made it." I cried as she cradled my head, giving me kisses.

"What happened is horrible, but you are here for a reason. Jake is here for a reason."


"Luna." She nodded.

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