"Hi Noona!"
"Good morning Sena"

Multiple voices greeted the kind nurse as she greeted them back holding the door open for them to enter. A hand reached out and knocked the door before peaking in, the familiar head of lilac.

"Well hello there princess." Namjoon smiled, dimples on full display as she grinned back at him happily.

"Morning ~" she sang to him as the rest of the boys piled in, the room getting nosier by the second.

"Hi Hana!" Hobi greeted happily.

Chuckling she greeted him back, "hi Hobi." He voice was much smaller than usual. It was an effort to speak.

"Maybe it's best we don't let her speak so much." Namjoon spoke, the rest nodding.

"Oh it's okay really." She spoke again, her voice was slightly tougher than usual from the lack of use of it but it still sounded sweet.

She watched amusedly as the three maknae's were fighting to have the seat beside her before Yoongi just quietly swooped in and took the seat causing groans to arise from the maknae's which Yoongi ignored. Jin also took the seat opposite close to her on the right while the maknae's pouted and stared playing scissors paper stone to see who gets to sit next.

Yoongi's sudden touch on her hand broke her away from the commotion, he held her hand gently, rubbing his thumb over her skin.

"How are you Hana." He spoke soft and low, a voice she could listen to all day if she could. His expression was his usual but his eyes swam with emotion, and concern.

She gently smiled at him leaning back into her soft pillow more.

"I've been better Yoongi Oppa." She softly said honestly, enough for Jin and Yoongi to hear. Jin smiled sadly at the girl. She looked much thinner and tired since they last saw her which wasn't too long ago, and this made him very upset.

"Oppa, I learnt to play more songs on the piano. Sorry you'll have to wait til I can play again to hear it." She spoke again, chuckling softly. the room now quiet as the other boys just quietly listened intently to the soft conversation, not wanting to intrude.

Yoongi had a rare sweet smile on his face as he continued to stroke her hand gently.

"I'd like that Hana."

He was extremely gentle to her, a side that he never showed to most openly, even his other members. In a normal setting, he'd be teased and made fun of the minute he opened his mouth or showed any form of sentiment openly but the other boys knew it wasn't the time, this was for Hana.

Jin spoke up grabbing her attention, "Hana dear, it's been a while since we all came to visit you as a group. So in commemoration, we wanted to show you our support and love." She was confused at first until the boys suddenly moved apart from where they were standing to reveal her shelves.

She looked back and forth between her shelves and the boys with confusion before noticing that her once empty photo frames were now filled with colour and memories.

"Y-you filled them?" She was in awe, they got the idea to bring them closer to her.

One was of her and Jimin at the park, laughing and enjoying themselves. The other was a beautiful candid photo of her and the boys when she visited for dinner not too long ago.

"And there will be more memories to come Hana." Hobi smiled sweetly, she looked up with tears in her eyes.

"Hobi, was this you? Thank you so much Hobi." Her tears ran down her cheeks as hobi reached over to wipe one away.

"Please don't cry Hana, thank Jimin and Jungkook for taking these photos. Not to mention Sejin hyung helped us print them."

"You mean Manager Sejin helped too?" She was wide eyed and extremely touched and grateful, "Thank you, all of you." She fully cried, Jin got up and got the tissue box and handed it to Yoongi who then started dabbing her tears away.

"Don't cry Hana." Yoongi pleaded softly, tightening his hold on her hand to reassure her.

"I hope you don't mind we took these photos, I hope we can take more together." Jimin nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Of course, though I'm sorry I don't look the best most times—"

"No!" All of them shouted, surprising Hana.

Clearing his throat, Namjoon spoke, "Sorry, no Hana. You look great all the time you never have to worry."

She flushed and nodded silently to herself.  To be complimented by these beautiful men was something she was never going to get used to.

"Thank you again everyone, and I'm sorry we're not able to do much for a while.." she smiled sadly, she had stopped crying already but it didn't stop her from feeling sad and guilty that she couldn't do more.

"Never say sorry to us Hana." Taehyung spoke.

"Well uhm, I prepared something for all of you too." She flushed, they looked at each other confused and curious. "Uhm, I prepared lunch for all of you. I didn't exactly make it myself but.. I got the chefs to help prepare all your favorite foods from home and uhm I baked a cake a few days ago before all of this happened to celebrate meeting all of you since I didn't manage to last time." She ranted, her cheeks getting redder by the second. She was embarrassed for doing something for them, how she could never repay them back for the amount they've done for her.

Yoongi chuckled and kissed her forehead softly, the whole room tensed at Yoongi's completely abnormal behavior, but to Hana, this was how Yoongi usually was to her. Sweet, caring and careful.

"You didn't have to Hana, thank you." Namjoon spoke, the others too were touched by her kind gesture even if she was in such a state, it seemed she always thought about them.

"So shall we head down to the dining area?" She called and they all nodded and got up from their seats, making their way out.

Yoongi stroked her hand gently one last time before letting go of it. "Would you like me to call Sena for you?" She nodded.

"If you could please." She sweetly smiled up at him which he returned, fully showcasing his adorable gummy teeth. She loved when he smiled like that.

"I'll see you soon princess." He chuckled deeply and headed out the door, before not too long, someone wheeled her chair in.

"Oh! Tae, Kookie, you guys don't have to help me." She spoke, seeing the two boys happily coming by her bed, a wheel chair in Taehyung's hand while Kookie helped her sit up.

"No we want to do this." Taehyung spoke, smiling his body smile at her.

"Alright Noona, you need to trust me." Jungkook cheekily smirked up at her.

"What do you mean, I always trust you Kook— AAaah!" She was suddenly lifted, princess style into Kookie's arms, careful of her wound and then placed gently onto the chair. She could feel his muscles flex on his chest and his arms while he carried her in just those few moments, she blushed furiously. Is he working out more?

"Alright. Shall we go?" Jungkook showcased his bunny smile as she nodded. Taehyung, pushing her with ease out of the room and down the halls. While waiting for the elevator, Taehyung leaned into her ear from behind causing her ear to flush from his hot breath as he pushed her whispering,  before chuckling in his deep voice.

"Hana, you're always beautiful."

A/N: sorry! My weekends are usually busy so I didn't manage to update much! I hope everyone's safe and doing well, hope this fluff filled book brings you feels and happiness :)

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