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" Hunter, how are you? " We hugged gently before Hunter guided me along the security scan, to check my items.

" I am well, sir, considering ... well what happened in September. " I curtly nod, placing my possessions on the small conveyor belt, before I scanned myself.

" I'm sorry, sir. " He walked over to me, checked my pockets once more before I grabbed the back of his neck, forcing his forehead against mine while I whispered.

" In due time, Hunter. I will have the answer you need. For now, sit tight my friend, and have no worries regarding the case. We'll get Smith back behind these bars and chains where he belongs. Where he is always welcomed. "

Hunter locked eyes with me while he smiled, before saluting me and handing me over to another guard. " Right this way, sir. " The prison staff guides me along the corridor of beige walls before we reach the non-contact cell.

Behind the glass wall, sits a young boy, with dark brown hair messed up on the top of his head and a beard growing. His orange suit is wrinkled and worn as his prisoner number is proudly displayed on his chest. He himself sits with a dorky smile, a smile stretching from ear to ear, while he observes me.

" Hi, sir. " He says, holding back a laugh while his eyes shine looking at me. I straighten my tuxedo whilst I stare at a boy that should be free, that should be in school, and not locked up like a zoo animal to be showcased in this remote zoo.

" Noah Robert Thompson. " I say his full name. " Inmate level 2. " Which means he's in minimum security.

" In the flesh, sitting in front of you, at your service. What the bloody hell, can I do for you? " It slightly stunned me, to see him in this state of mind, this happy. Considering his ... disability.

" I just have a few mindless questions for you. I expect truthful answers. " Because Noah Robert, in my days, was an excellent liar.

" I'd never lie to you, old friend. " He lets his tongue roam every syllable as he speaks. With such a tone as if he holds the answers. In a way he does. Because with the information I'll get from here tonight, I'll kill the driver of the red Audi.

" How are you holding up here? " By the looks of things, he was at his lowest point, but his smile and voice suggested that he was on top of the world.

" It's no luxury, I'll give you that. But I have friends, I have connections. I'm the happiest I've been. " Back in high school, this kid was miserable, he actually hated himself and tried to commit suicide off of the school building. Our school. But with his father being the principal, the incident was covered up within seconds.

" You look healthier. " Which was a lie. Mentally, he was flourishing, but visually he resembled a withered flower.

" Oh please, you mustn't nurture me with compliments, I get them enough." And I got the feeling that he was the underdog, the punching bag, the one everyone despised. " You see, in jail, there are guys that are doing fifty years, they stab you, they get ten more, they don't care. And the ones sentenced to life are the worst, you know why? They have absolutely nothing to lose. "

" What do you have to lose, Noah? Your big ass smile and fluffy hair?" He shugs my way. He was always the guy that got along with her brother perfectly well until a girl divided them.

" I suppose you're correct. How's Jonathan doing? I haven't seen him, in what, three years? How long have I been here? " He asks me, as if I have the date stapled into my skull or something.

" Two and a half years, you were sentenced to three. " I cursed under my breath after I replied.

" You were there, weren't you? At my court meeting, I mean, you stayed long enough for me to get sent away and then disappeared off of the face of the earth. And for what? To mourn? " I didn't nod or shake my head at him, he had to figure that out on his own.

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