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The rest of the night fell unnoticed to me, we played Uno and cards, and when Marcel, April, and all the others finally arrived we ate pasta and drank tequila, as promised.

" Oh, I just love Bryson, he is so happy all the time, I can't imagine him living in that, sorry, shed of a house. He looks so much happier here. " Everyone laughed as April gently pinched the cheeks of Bry. He wasn't scared of them anymore, in fact, I think Bryson had more pleasant memories with them than anyone else. Although my old friends missed him too, especially Jasmine.

" Imagine him and Declan living together, I mean look at them, they're complete opposites. Marcel adds, drinking his tequila while he looks at Declan cleaning his side of the table, I recognized he had barely eaten. I grabbed the hem of his long-sleeved shirt, pulling him down to whisper to him.

" Why didn't you eat? " I asked him gently but he shook his head, and from the corner of his eyes saw Logan throw daggers towards him. He took my empty plate and stood up.

" It was delicious, I was just stuffed, okay? " I nod his way while he exits the living room. I connect eyes with Marcel as he smiles, looking at me. " What?" I ask him.

" You're so different now, compared to when I first met you, it's just funny. " I gently smile.

" That's true the first time I saw you, I thought you were a complete blonde - wig-wearing- tool but I was so wrong. You're so chill and kind. " Logan laughs at the edge of the table, while he wipes his mouth, drinking his beer while April softly laughs.

" Do you even know how or why I recognized you? " I shook my head towards Marcel while he continued with his speech. " Because you are strikingly similar to Max, even though you had different fathers. "

" Oh stop it, she doesn't want to talk about her brother on Thanksgiving. " I shook my head towards April, indicating that It was fine. It was something that was bound to come, the talk about my brother.

" It's fine, he was my favorite person, I like talking about him. "

" That's the funniest part for me. Those two hated each other. I mean, they'd never even be at home at the same time, much less drive to a party together. I was so surprised to see you there that night. " All I knew to do, was to smile.

" Why's that?"

" Well, because Max proposed to Jasmine that night and got declined. I'm surprised you, of all people, we're the ones to support him and get him out of his misery. He talked about that for days. " My mouth slightly gaped open, as I stared at the empty tray of lemons in the middle of the table, while Logan chugged the last of his beer.

" I'll be right back. " I awkwardly stated before basically sprinting to the kitchen, taking the empty bottle and plate with me. I felt my heartbeat rise to my neck. He wasn't supposed to know about that, no one was. It's a secret between me, Max, and Jasmine.

How could he know? And why'd he said Max talked about it for days when he died the same night it happened? Is he mistaking my brother for someone else? He can't. I ran into the kitchen and against Declan, the plate and bottle fell, crashing to the ground, while he held my shoulder to steady me, but saw that something was wrong.

" Wha- What's wrong? "

" Nothing, I just - wanted to see what was taking so long, and I needed you to slice some more lemons, but the plate, and the bottle, I- " I dropped to the ground, starting to pick up the shards as Declan tried to stop me before I slashed my hand open.

" God damn it, Nicola. " He cursed, while he took my hand in his hold and forced me towards the faucet while he let the ice-cold water flow on my wound. I was scared of blood, but more of the fact that Marcel knew something he never should have, unless...

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