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" Why, hello, sir. Do you still go by that? "

As she grinned so seductively, she strutted her long legs, walking toward me. She still seemed to have that effect on me, to have her grace buckle my knees.

" Oh, I'll evermore go by that. How have you been? " I'm pulling her to me, breathing in her delicious perfume, while I kiss her fragile hand.

" I have been alright, came back to see an old friend. " I nodded while I offered her a seat. Dining in the most expensive restaurant in this area, it's a pleasure of mine to be seen with her.

" You have tens of friends here, don't you? You were quite popular in high school. " She has a wide smile set on her huge lips. Her long brown hair cascading down her back. A model.

" Only because I dated a basketballer. A hunk at that. " She winks before she softly laughs while thanking the waiter for her water.

" Max, was he? " Her smile alters.

" Maxence. People closest to him called him Max, it was a privilege of theirs. " I stare at the plate of pasta set in front of me, I don't even bother to stick my fork into it. My appetite was lost.

" I never met the kid. Was he ... worth it? " She chews her bottom lip before her long lashes and huge eyes flicker to mine.

" Worth what? " I take a bite from my pasta, regretting it.

" The heartbreak that followed after his passing. " Her breath alters as she slightly pushes the plate away from herself, before sipping her water.

" You know about that? I mean - of course, you do. It's the tragedy of the eastside. I'd like to find a person who doesn't know. In fact, has no clue of the story. " She reaches over the table to hold my hand. " It's draining, having to think about him, miss him all the time. It brings up memories I've spent months trying to force down. "

" Who was he to you, really? " She looks away from me, remembering, reminiscing.

" An ex. If you want more detail, then he's actually the one who cheated on me, who let me go, who broke my small heart." I squeeze her hand gently.

" Why would you miss such an excuse for a man. It's better that he's gone, isn't it? " She shakes her head profoundly, I thought she was going to give herself whiplash.

" It wasn't him who did it, he was acting ... weird, the last few months after his stepfather's death. I can't hold anything he did after that against him. "

" After Cedric's death you mean? Why would he care? David was his father. " Her shoulders rise to her ears, she looks to be lost, confused.

" He didn't say much, didn't even go to the memorial, but you saw that It broke off a piece of him. A fragment that cared for Cedric more than his own father. He had every right, David was horrible, abusive, and a drunk. " She spoke with emotion as if she saw it all roll out in front of her eyes. As if she was there. " I could never love a man that hits women, even if it was my own father. "

" What do you mean by he was acting weird? " She licked her lips, growing a bit tired of the questions.

" He didn't talk, he didn't confide in me. He was missing all the time. Lost, even when he was home. He had a lot to worry about. With Cedric gone, he had to keep a close eye on his sister, he had to be the man of the house, he had to be there for her mother, still maintain a social life, it was overwhelming for a man that young.. " I let her hand go so she could eat, as I took a bite out of my pasta myself.

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