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The shock and utter surprise on April's face indicated that she didn't know I knew about them and I guess theoretically I hoped for it. I hoped I would see the pure shock laced on their features as does the makeup covering April's face. The only other, who had that same reaction as did April, was Marcel, who was sitting right beside her.

" He ... Uhm ... Declan told you about North?" April turns to look at Marcel as he hasn't muttered a single word, his face stoic and in thought. The world around us is still moving.

" Yeah, Declan told me. " But it wasn't only him. I figured it out long before Declan pressured me to say it out loud. I don't hold him accountable for that.

" God damn it." I hear someone say from inside of the car before I hear the sound of locked car doors locking.

" Yeah, you ... Uhm ... pronounced it perfectly actually." She scratches the back of her neck as she softly chuckles when Marcel stands up. Unsure how to act, she looks at Marcel as he leans down to speak.

" I'm going to beat the shit out of this kid." He miserably tries to whisper. And I don't know what made me not want to be the reason he, Declan, got beaten up again, and I don't know what made me hold on to Marcel for dear life. It was to save him, perhaps to save me, but I grabbed his bicep and looked him dead in his eyes as I spoke.

" No." Marcel looked at me skeptically before looking back at her, April, and as she nodded something changed in him. He sits back down, leaning his head on April's shoulder, silently looking at me. Soon new voices follow from inside of the Porsche.

" What the fuck was I supposed to do? If you'd tell her everything, then she wouldn't have to ask me. It's not my fault she doesn't trust you." We hear a bang. Maybe a punch.

" How about you don't make the choices and for once try to listen to me on things." Declan laughs.

" Why should I believe someone who doesn't want to keep her safe? Why should I trust a liar of all people!"

" Because I fucking said so!" I jump when April places her hand on me, not expecting her touch.

" They always and I mean always get in heated arguments like these. It's wack but normal for them. " She lets out a deep breath. " This one wasn't flamed by you."

" But it was." I'm not trying to play the victim or hold myself accountable for their fights. It just bothers me in a weird enough way. April's calculating eyes on me.

" It wasn't. They fight about everything and anything that has the slightest importance in the world. I mean it, do not," She softly chuckles as she shakes my shoulder. " Do not hold yourself accountable for this brawl between the brothers."

My head snaps towards her, I think I gave myself whiplash. " Are they?" I can't help but ask.

" No, they're actually not. They act as if they are. Fight a lot." April leans her head on Marcel's shoulder as we quiet down.

I didn't know what this confession meant for me and my future. Was I now a part of their gang? Did they want me to be? Was I entitled to keep my mouth shut or would they make me? Will they kill me? April's suggestion left me believing that they weren't going to kill me. But the questions inside me only grew as time passed. I couldn't wrap my head around all of this, I wanted to know everything and now. But for the sake of my sanity I chose to hold on to my questions, let them sit with me. Perhaps soon I will find out everything. If only I'll stay.

" I have heated arguments with everyone, I think It's normal for me." I look towards the boys to see them yelling at each other, the words they spoke I didn't hear. I didn't let myself hear.

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