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I close the door slowly and walk away from it. I walk past the nurse and exit the hospital in a blur. The white walls and floor disgust me. How can something be so pure, not destroyed, and clean?

I hear Don walking behind me as Stefan and Roy near me. I only know their names since Nicola was basically moaning them into my ear when we left. They must be the two who are sent to try and get her to join to French's Mafia.

Don turns me around.

" What happened in there?" He asks, nearing me in a few big steps.

" She got shot in the shoulder." I don't bother to explain but when they all start walking towards the hospital I force myself to turn around.

" She's sleeping. And no one f*cking moves closer. I dare you to go in and I swear I will shoot each and every one of you and gut you alive and sell your organs on the black market if you do. Don't test me. " I took a hold of Don's arm, but the threat was directed at everyone.

" French told us to-"

" You can take Frenchs words and stuff them right inside your-." Stefan and Roy give me a look. Stefan seemingly the quiet one speaks up as he looks at me.

Roy goes to take a hold of his gun that's hanging behind his back, but Stefan stops him. We're in front of a hospital for god's sake. But I don't think that's why Stefan stopped him. It was deeper than that. Stefan knew something.

" That was a threat by the way ." He states matter of factly and I pull a face. towards him.

" She's my property and I'll beat the living s*it out of you, him, and everyone if I need to. And that's a damn threat." I tell Stefan. Someone's hand grabs the back of my neck while they pull me down to their level.

" What did you say? "

" I'm taking the Porsche," I mutter before pushing him off of me, and walking towards the Porsche. Roy and Stefan back away from the hospital, listening to me for once.

I get that what I said was exaggerated and unneeded. I get that what I said wasn't thought through and planned at all. It wasn' even true. But I can't let those mutts in to see Nicola. She has so much on her plate and those idiots are just adding to it.

Day after day, after day.

And if those dogs actually had half a brain, they would understand that a gun wound is enough to tire you and make you want to sleep. I've had tens, they've had tens, but this? To her? It's her first time.

" What did they tell you?" Shawn stops me and I shrug.

" It's not my part to tell you." Which it isn't. She is so well put together, so strong and independent, it's actually hard to fit into her life. Because some say 'I don't need you' but they do and you fit. With her. She really doesn't need you, no matter how hard you try. You just aren't needed.

" Tell me." He calms down, holds the collar of my hoodie as he stares me down, before letting me go. It's weird to see Shawn like this. It's like she's spellbinding to him, reading her every wrinkle and imperfections he finds sanity. Comfort, in the feeling of someone, other than our gang, to talk to. To care for.

" She got shot in the shoulder. Went through surgery. Might have to go to rehab if it hit her nerves. Her left arm is busted. She has to stay overnight. Now, If you see her tomorrow morning. You ask her yourself, what happened to her because you didn't hear it from me." I pry his hand from my collar.

I open the Porches door as I sit in the driver seat. Before starting the car I stared at the spot Nicola sat in. And I can't help but smirk at the sight of a bloodstain on the light seat. Her words come to mind, about how she wanted to ruin the car, its stainless beauty.

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