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" What? " I answer rather rudely when my phone rings for probably the seventh time this morning. I don't particularly enjoy mornings and I hate the sound of my phone ringing. While I still attended High school, it was the primary sound I heard, that, and my mother and step-dad bickering and the sound of slammed doors while Max came home.

" Nico, I hate to break it to you, but your car is taking up some bald guy's space and he's very annoying. Where are you? " He grunts as if he hasn't slept a single minute.

His voice is groggy and tired, I assume his curls are all messed up at the top of his head, maybe sticking up weirdly. Bet he smells of old coffee beans and mint with the smallest smell of an air freshener on his clothes. His face bruised and blue from last night, the gash on his lips and forehead opened again. His shirt wrinkled and decorated with stains, his pants not much different. A soft pink tint to his lips and eyes-

Why do I care?

" I'm getting in the Supra right now- " I turn the ignition as I start to back away from my house.

" Hold that thought." His voice was so low that I hit the brakes of my car before I understood that the anger wasn't directed at me as loud yelling and ruckus continued in the background. I put my car into first gear and started driving through my neighborhood. I cut the line and stare down at my screen as it darkens, only showing me the red percentage bar before the screen turns black. I force my eyes shut.

" Who's that Don guy? " Maxence asks, holding his knees on my dashboard while he rolls a blunt, looking at the passing houses.

" I met him yesterday, I don't know. He always hangs around them but is distant somehow, and the guys are terrified of him. " Max chuckles, lighting the blunt, while I open a window for him.

" They must have a good reason to be. Why are you hanging around with such thugs and lowlives anyway? You have decentish friends, don't you? Or are you that pathetic?"

" They have cash. I need that cash. " Max blows out the smoke, turning his gaze to look at me.

" You're stupid for going back there. For working there. For trusting them. You know that, right?" I knew he was right, I was. I knew they were a part of one of the biggest Mafias in America, and I still went back. Because the drive for survival overweighs the fear of violence.

I felt the steering wheel suddenly pull me to the left side and because my windows were down, I heard the horrid sound of my tires slowly but surely run out of air, as the car began to come to a very slow and painful halt in the middle of the street.

" Damn it. " I hit the steering wheel and got out of the car. It was visible that the tires were slashed open, and as I looked back I saw the metal chain with daggers set up. I heard the car door slam shut again, while I heard the sound of Maxence's boots echoing on the street.

" Great F-ing job Nico! Do you even look at the road when you're driving? This is exactly why I told you, that you can't ride my car, that you aren't ready for this life, could you please, look at what you caused you dumb f-ing slu-" I forced my eyes shut as tight as I could.

My phone was dead. I put my car in neutral, while I tried to push it to the side of the road, but there was no use.

" You're weak! " Maxence yelled beside me, but I tried not to listen. Tried to not give into his harsh remarks. I hit the tire once more, before I sat with my back leaning against my car, as I looked at the house in front of me.


My brain didn't catch up to my actions while I was already up and standing, ready to whip Jennifer's sorry little ass. I stood up, took a step, and heard the horrid screams of tires as they screamed against the pavement. I stood still, like a deer in front of headlights. Because I was.

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