Chapter 16 A Mother's Grief

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Jamie sat in her kitchen surrounded by her sisters, Bea and Emily. "So you have traced Gomez to Fatu-Geelo. Do you think he has Becky?"

"Not yet Mom," Emily started. "I have no idea where Becky is, but I can assure you she is happy and safe. She has a companion, also a witch. But I feel that Gomez will try to take her."

 "I don't trust that man Jamie!" Sophie added. "The three of us each hired Laplaar fishing boats to dog him, which is how we know where he's from."

"I would not be surprised if he has Imperial connections," Roz added. "Did you know he approached the Vigilees to see if she was named in a murder warrant. The Vigilees said nothing but did warn Roland and me."

Derek had been nearby apparently reading, but he was listening. "I plan to travel with the navy in a few weeks, you know, for maneuvers. Could stop by Fatu-Geelo. It's a known pirate stronghold."

"I'm coming too!" Jamie said, "You girls can hold down the fort. And thank you, the five of you for all you've done. I've been so distressed over this, I really wish she hadn't run."

"She was terrified, she killed two Vigilees, I probably would have run too!" Alexi whispered. "We all love her too Jamie, we will not let her hang, whatever it takes. That man may be a Vigilees but he's a liar."

"We have been talking to a lot of young women in Novi Jamie, we suspect he's a dirt bag, we won't stop until we learn the truth!" Fiona said firmly. "The truth will out, it always does."

"I will not bring my baby home to simply let her hang!" Jamie cried and Derek walked over putting his arm around her holding her as she continued to cry.

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