Chapter 27 The Shield Wall

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Jamie met with her sisters. They were all desperate with grief. "The witnessed are terrified of the Vigilees, it's that simple. With over two hundred of them in the court they will not come," Sophie said.

Then Jamie looked at each of them, "I have a plan, its going to take a miracle." Then they discussed the plan.

Court was scheduled for early afternoon and today the jury would begin to deliberate. Rebecca was terrified and wanted to know how much longer she had to pretend to be brave, she really wanted to scream and cry over the great injustice about to inflicted on her and her family. "How long will the jury take?" Rebecca asked her father.

"No idea Becky."

"If they say I'm guilty today, how long?"

"I don't want to think about that."

"Please Dad, I need to know." Derek pulled her into a hug and wept.

"Tomorrow baby, just until tomorrow."

They neared the town center on their way to the amphitheater and Rebecca noticed a group of men constructing something. Rebecca froze, unable to move, barely able to breathe when she recognized the the object. She felt her knees buckle but Casey and Nathaniel held her, "My gallows, has my fate already been determined, I have just until tomorrow?" Then taking a deep breath and wiping any tears from her eyes as she stifled her numbing fear. "I can handle more day... I'll wear my pink sari to the hanging,"Rebecca said in a feeble attempt at humor.

Rebecca was wearing her black sari to the last of the trial. The prosecution was the first to deliver a summation to the jury. She felt numb as she listened to his words.

"Gentlemen of the jury this is a difficult decision as a guilty verdict will certainly mean the death of a young woman. But I ask you can anyone be above the law. Rebecca Derekdottor freely admits to killing, or in her own written words murdering the Jameson brothers. We presented evidence that she was in the process of burglarizing homes in this city. You are all aware of her recent adventures running freely with pirates and smugglers. Her notoriety of claiming to be a witch. You have witnessed her scandalous behavior in her travels about the colonies and her deportment in this court. No one is above the law, not you, or I, or the daughter of the governor general. Rebecca tells us she was in Novi as a healer that night. But she is unable to offer any evidence. You have seen with you own eyes and touched with your own hands the evidence of her theft. Evidence found in a bag she admits to being her's. You have heard with your own ears her bragging of being a warrior and killing at least six men, or is it twelve. Rebecca's memory is a bit shaky about numbers. (the jury laughed). Rebecca would have us believe that on that night she was a helpless female defending her virtue.(more laughter) Then she tells us she is a warrior woman. Well who is she really? Let me suggest an plausible answer. She is a thief who murdered two men. Good men that had pledged their lives to defend our community. Men whose blood calls out to you for justice. Gentlemen justice demands you find Rebecca Derekdottor guilty of murder."

The Emily then stood to deliver the summation for the defense. "Gentlemen of the jury you have been witness to an attempt to destroy a young woman. You all know Rebecca well. You have witnessed her numerous acts as a healer and midwife. Many of your friends and families have been treated by her. Is woman not allowed to defend herself. Is she to be subjected to random acts of rape and violence and not be allowed to defend herself. We are all Roamy Warriors, all of us. Your wives and mothers and your children have always defended our community. But now you would deny this woman her defense. Rebecca ran because she was terrified. But she returned on her own accord to

declare her innocence. I ask you is that the act of a murderer. Justice demands you find Rebecca innocent of murder."

Rebecca watched looking composed and calm as the jury gathered then cast lots. Ten were chosen and they sequestrated themselves to a nearby tavern. Rebecca looked about noting that her mother and her aunts and sister were conspicuous in their absence. Nat and Gabby were close. Mary (the fifth witch) was in the audience. Peter was their too looking at Gabriela very concerned. But those she had counted on were gone, she began to tremble as she waited. She could not control the shaking. She felt abandoned and alone.

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