Chapter 15 The Trap

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The wind was fresh and off shore as they sailed under shortened sails both topsails in their beckets.  Three other ships were traveling on a heading for the port. Nathaniel seeing them simply assuming they were fellow traders. "Once we pass that headland we will begin our tacks into the harbor." As they came closer and closer to the headland Gabriela and Rebecca became increasingly uneasy. "Nat we can't see the harbor or anything beyond that headland."

"Pocket harbor is a well hidden harbor, it has a deep harbor..."

"Turn out Nat! Turn out now!" Rebecca shouted. As Nat turned out he spotted eight ships in the harbor waiting. Had he turned it he would have been unable to turn back out in time as the headland would have stolen his wind. The ships were obviously waiting for him. He watched as they quickly started to make sail. Since they would not need to tack out the pursuing ships made quick progress out of the port but he was no in immediate danger. Then he realized the other boats, now four, were advancing and closing on him.

"Ed, get everything up!" Nat continued to turn the boat until he had the wind over the stern on the starboard quarter and began to run. "I just love those new topsails Becka, We can get them up without taking the sails down, Ed lift the boards and let her run." The little ship seemed to come alive under the press of sail. When they had the stay-sail set they were literally flying.

Rebecca and Gabriel clung to him, "Will they catch us?" Gabriel asked breathless.

"Not a chance with this wind Gabby, I estimate we're hitting eighteen knots. In the next few hours they won't even be able to see us." Rebecca could see Nathaniel still looked worried but decided to wait until Gabriela was sleeping before inquiring further. They had a cold dinner that night no wanting to show smoke that could give away their position. Rebecca followed her usual routine with Gabriela; math, reading, story time and prayers and stayed with her until she slept. Then she returned to Nathaniel's side on deck.

"What aren't you telling us Nat, you look worried," Rebecca said softly.

"Adam must have told Gomez about out itinerary, that's why they were waiting."

"We can simply change that...right?"

"That was our re-provisioning stop. We badly need to resupply, we have very limited options of where to go."

"What are we going to do Nat?"

"We can reach Midway, It's the farthest out, can you keep everyone feed for two or three more weeks?"

"Yes I can, but it will get really lean."

"I figure Gomez will divide his fleet sending some to each port we could get supplies at."

"Do you think they realize we will need to?"

"Gomez is smart, that was an excellent trap. Becka if you had not seen it would have been too late."

"I felt it Nat, I didn't see it."

Nathaniel pulled her into his arms, "Becka...that's the closest I ever want to come to loosing you. By the gods Becka I can't live without you." He then turned the ship southeast for Midway Island. 

They had been sailing for about a week and the food rations were getting very low. They were sailing among a group of rocky outcroppings when Gabriela noticing the mutton birds said, "I wish we could stop and catch some birds!"

"Gabby, that's brilliant...I can preserve the birds and the eggs too. Nat can we spend a few days here, I think we can get enough to sustain us until we reach Midway."

They anchored in a small cove in the lee side of the rocky island. The first task for the men was to find water so they could brew beer. Then parties would be sent to gather eggs. Rebecca and Gabriela taking their slings quickly obtained six birds and prepared a dinner. They had roast mutton bird, ships biscuit and the last of the beer.

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