Chapter 23 A Good Day for a Hanging

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Nathaniel woke early the next morning and stood on the beach watching the sun rise. No one felt any need to confine him as it was an island and no escape possible, so he requested permission to visit the beach and watch, he did have four Marine guards. The absolute beauty in the suns early light brought needed peace to his heart. He would die, that was inescapable but Becka would be found. He would play out his last hand as best he could. He loved the smell of the sea, the wind in his face, now he was hungry. Turning to his guards, "Breakfast anyone, it's a good day for a hanging."

Nathaniel found it odd his appetite was so good. He ate his breakfast with relish. He could not help but remember all the fabulous meals Becka had provided. He could not stop thinking about her, the way her skin felt against his, the taste of her kisses, the smell of her hair. He thanked the gods for the life he had enjoyed and the love he had found. He made peace with himself as he prepared for death.

Neal came to visit, "I'm so sorry Nat, I do believe you, the others didn't. I don't know what to say."

"I'm ok with you Neal, thank you for believing me. Are Becka's parents coming to the hanging?"

"I don't know, they took off to explore the island early yesterday, took five Marines with them. They have not returned."

That news brought Nathaniel joy, Becka family would eventually find her. His death was a fair price for that. Knowing she would be safe made it possible for him to face death with an air of calmness. More than ever he wanted to live, to hold Becka again, to make love to her again, but that was not to be.

Nathaniel walked to the place of his hanging. Gomez and his crew were their to witness. They were laughing and shouting insults. The Marine Guard stood silent and straight at attention as they escorted him.

"Do you have any last words?" Neal asked.

"None I can think of," Nathaniel replied.

He was directed to stand on a small barrel sitting below the gallows and he did. A black cloth sack was placed over his head as his arms and legs were secured with rope and a loop of heavy rope tightened around his neck. Then the drum roll began, and when it stopped the barrel was kicked out from under him. He felt the drop and the shock of rope stopping his fall and breathing at the same time and moments later lost consciousness.

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