Chapter 7 Salt Meat, Hard Biscuit and Sauerkraut

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The 'Hermione' was under sail and headed for her home port. Rebecca and Gabriela had started meal preparation the night before. They had soaked the beans in beer to soften then and the meat to reduce the salt. Breakfast had been received very well by the crew. They had served oatmeal with dried apples and raisins flavored with a touch of cinnamon and hard biscuit. All of the fresh fruit and vegetables had been consumed in the first weeks under sail. The crew was well fed and happy. Gabriela to was faring well and putting on much needed weight. Her appetite was enormous and she did look a little taller, almost as tall as Rebecca. She received a lot of teasing by the crew regarding her appetite and appeared to enjoy the gentle teasing. The main meal of the day was a dish of mixed beans that had bacon and ground beef in it along with a touch of mustard. She also provided a serving of pickled cabbage. Rebecca had made a pudding using flower, suit and raisins. There would also be the obligatory ships biscuit and beer. Rebecca had been very selective when selecting and storing the biscuit and they was still weevil free. This fact alone set her up as an excellent cook in the eyes of the crew. During the meal Peter stood and announced, "A toast to our excellent and lovely cooks!" the crew stool and lifted the mugs and laughing returned to their meal.

"What did you all eat before I came on board?" Rebecca asked.

"Usual ships fair, salt meat, hard biscuit and sauerkraut," Nathaniel replied.

"Nat...That's what I serve," Rebecca replied feeling a bit confused.

"No what you serve is the nectar of the gods!" Nathaniel answered smiling. "A well fed crew is a happy crew. To be honest I can't believe you turned my crew of grumps to this. What do you call this dish anyway?"

" silly goof, just beans," Rebecca laughed.

"We soaked them all night in beer then added tons of beef, onion and bacon," Gabriela replied. "I really like the pudding, I helped with that too."

"The pies you served yesterday, how did you do that?" Nathaniel asked.

"Becka had me crush a bunch of biscuit and grind it, she added lard and sugar and made the crusts. We soaked the dried apples in water overnight added raisins sugar and some brown stuff and filled the shells. I pinched them closed." 

"Gabby, you are an excellent cook... the two of you. I am so glad to have you as part of this ships family."

"I'm glad too!" Gabriela replied smiling. She was sitting very close to Nathaniel on his right and between Rebecca and him. Initially she sat very close to Rebecca and away from the crew and Nathaniel as possible, over time she made it to her present position.

"How's your math coming?" Nathaniel asked.

"I did the calculations you gave me, we can check them after dinner, and Becka didn't need to help me at all this time." Rebecca was relieved to see Gabby take so well to Nat. He was a wonderful man. She had seen that when they were young, when she was innocent, before she...Rebecca shook her head to remove her negative thoughts. She realized how much she still loved Nat, how much she wanted him. When she finally was brought to justice she hoped Nat would raise Gabby as his daughter. She prayed that he would not hate her for what she had done. Perhaps even forgive.

Later that night Gabriela sat on the bed with Rebecca as they worked on reading. Nathaniel was at the table with a very old leather covered book reading and doing calculations. "You know that word Gabby, sound it out," Rebecca said encouragingly.

Gabriela sounded the word out then looking at Nathaniel, "What's that old book Nat, I looked at it and it's a bunch of numbers and funny descriptions."

"It's my rudder Gabby, Its been with the boat since the beginning. I'm the third captain and this tells me in detail about the coast, the tides, and land marks. It's how I've been so successful as a navigator. I keep it updated and accurate."

"I thought the rudder was the 'steering' thing at the back of the boat."

"That's a rudder too Gabby. I'm am sorry to invade your room tonight, but we should see landfall soon and I wanted to remind myself of the approach."

"That's OK Nat, you can move back and sleep here with Becka," Gabriela said. Nathaniel laughed as Rebecca looked rather shocked at Gabby.

"Thank you little one, but that just wouldn't be proper. My room is tiny but most adequate. Besides you're ladies and ladies need their privacy."

"Yes, we do," Gabriela whispered then returned to reading sounding out the next word.

Later that night Nathaniel stood on the deck behind the steersman as the ship glided under a fresh breeze the water bubbling and luminescent in the wake. They had the top sails down and the scent of land was in the air. Rebecca came on deck and stood next to him. "She's sleeping Nat, she really seems to like you."

"And I love her to Becka."

"Nat, if anything happens to me...would you please take care of her?"

"I said I would when I first took you both on board, and I promised it. But what about us Becka, I love you, what are your feelings?" Rebecca started to weep so Nathaniel took her into his arms and held her. Her head only came up to his chin and he loved the way she felt as he held her. "I remember when you were taller than me!" Rebecca gave a little laugh and managed to quell her tears.

"I love you Nat...I always have. There's something awful about me...I can't share...not yet. Believe me, I do love you." She continued to hold tight as Nathaniel kissed the crown of her head, then her forehead and as she raised on tiptoes her cheek and then her lips. They continued kissing becoming breathless.

"Then marry me Becka."

"If you knew who and what I've become you would never ask!" Rebecca moaned, her tears returning as she broke off and attempted to run back to her cabin. Nathaniel caught her pulling her close.

"All I know Becka is I've loved you all my life. I want you Becka."

"My life will be short, can you live with that Nat?"

"Why Becka, no one knows how long a life is. All I know is how much I want you and need you. I don't care if we have a week or ninety years. Marry me Becka."

"Yes... I will...I pray you won't regret this Nat, but I want you and need you too, I have so little time. Please don't hate me Nat."

They stood together on the deck watching the sun rise as the little ship sailed slowly into the harbor. They were soon joined by Gabriela just after dawn, who added her hug to theirs. "Gabby, Nat and I decided to marry."

"Well it's about time!" Rebecca looked at her curiously and laughed.

The harbor was protected by a breakwater and a log boom. The harbor held the largest fleet of smugglers in the world. The entire economy was based on providing luxuries either forbidden or taxed beyond reach to imperial territories. Nathaniel was considered the best of all the smugglers, and the most honest. Nathaniel's origin as a Roamy was well known and accepted by the island residents. This island was his home, and he was anxious to come home and declare Becka as his wife.

The ship docked at the family dock. There were eight other ships at the dock. "This is where our fleet stays. Hermione and Minnie own twelve other ships besides the 'Hermione'. Only four are engaged in smuggling. The rest are much larger and carry regular cargo." Nathaniel reported to the harbor master along with Edward allowing Rebecca and Gabriela to clean up and get ready for their introduction. He also had the special chocolates and candied pineapple he had picked up at Midway delivered to his home.

Much of Rebecca's clothing was quite worn. Rebecca's sewing skills were marginal at best. The alterations she had made in her clothes to fit Gabriela were rough. Neither of them had shoes Rebecca's only pair lost during their struggle with the pirates, Gabriela never owning any. Rebecca thought they both looked like castaways and felt great apprehension meeting Nathaniel's family. "Nat, are you sure want to bring us home so soon, you might want to prepare them first. We look like shipwrecked fugitives."

"I think you both look beautiful," Nathaniel laughed. "And besides I want us wedded and bedded as soon as possible, been waiting for so long for this." Gabriela gave a quiet laugh surprising Rebecca as Gabriela nudged her as they disembarked.

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