Chapter 14 Outward Bound

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The "Hermione" sailed out of the port and turned north-north-east under jib and mizzen, Boo sat majestically in the bow. "Why this heading Nat I thought we were going north."

"I promised Aunt Minnie that I would never take the ship due north from hear," Nathaniel answered.

"And you always keep your promise?" Rebecca asked smiling as she looked into his eyes, "even such a tiny promise, who would ever know if you didn't?"

"I would know, and it is a little thing...Aunt Minnie lost a son, two daughters and a beloved daughter-in-law about seven years ago, they were sailing due north to Lands' End."

"Oh Nat, I'm so sorry, she never mentioned it...just kind of teared up when she talked about her girls. What happened?"

"Imperial Navy. They were not smugglers, they were pepper sellers, that's all. They were overtaken, several men killed, and most of the girls just jumped overboard to avoid rape and slavery," Nathaniel's typical composure seemed broken as he choked on his words. "They were sisters to me Becka, their loss so sudden." They both stood quietly at the stern without a single word between them. Rebecca moved closer and turning to face him put her arms around him and simply held him very close her head on his chest. Nathaniel also wrapping her in his arms and kissing the crown of her head. "You and Gabby have been such a balm to Aunt Minnie and Grandmother, you, the two of you...I've not seen them as happy as they were this winter in a long time!" Rebecca stood on her tiptoes and kissed Nathaniel's lips.

"You have made me very happy too husband!" Rebecca whispered. They continued their embrace as the main sail was lifted and sheeted home, the only sound that of the wind in the rigging and the bubbling of the wake.

The anticipation regarding the main meal was intense. Rebecca and Gabriela had made quite a reputation as cooks on the voyage home and the crew had high expectations. Rebecca had started preparing the salt cod by soaking it the night before they left and the smells from the ships kitchen driving everyone to distraction. The meal was met with cheers as the hungry crew sat for the meal, they had missed the morning meal as they were so busy getting the ship out of the harbor. They had needed to row out the anchor drop it then pull the boat up to the drop site then repeating the procedure until they had enough distance out to catch the wind to allow the sails to work.

"This is the best cod I've ever had!"  Nathaniel exclaimed with Edward nodding in agreement. "How did you ladies do it?"

"Becka soaked the cod overnight, then I battered it with crushed ship biscuit and beer and we fried it!" Gabriela said proudly, "and I cut the potatoes in strips and we fried them too."

"Did you batter the potatoes too?" Gabriela nodded. Nathaniel continued, "I know this is cabbage but it's not pickled?"

"I brought a lot of fresh vegetables," Rebecca laughed, "that's coleslaw."

"I've never had it like this, its got pineapple, raisins, carrots...

"Well do you like it?" Rebecca laughed and received enthusiastic approval. 

Rebecca had obtained two long sharp daggers for her and Gabriela and both were wearing them. They decided to wear their sari pants while voyaging as it made everything easier. As they were cleaning up Edward seeing the daggers asked, "Why the blades? It takes a lot of skill to handle a blade, you could find yourself on the sharp end of those things."

"I'm dam good with a blade Edward, I'm Roamy and a warrior!" The bravado of her statement resulted in some laughing from the crew which angered Rebecca. Tossing heavy spoon to Edward and grabbing one herself she issued a challenge, "Try me." Not quite knowing how to respond Edward feinted a rush at her only to have her slip under his guard and put the spoon into his armpit. With the crew laughing Edward tried several  more serious attempts only to have her put her spoon in his groin, armpit or belly each time dancing away unscathed. Finally laughing Edward put up his hands.

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