Chapter 28 The Coven

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The court was silent except for the sound of Sally sobbing. Others in the court also in tears. Rebecca stood and walked to stand behind Sally. Gabriela, Emily, Bea and Mary also. They stood in a circle around Sally each of the them touching her, their hands glowing.

"I will lead," Rebecca said then gathering the life energy from each of her sister witches she spun it into spirals of light that danced around and through them until all of them  glowed. They took into themselves all the hurt, pain, physical injury and fear Sally had experienced replacing it with love. Then directing the green healing light, Rebecca visualized the torn and scarred tissue and directing it to heal. The court watched, not sure what they were witness to. They saw all of them glowing, a pure white light surrounding them .

Then Sally stopped sobbing and looked at the five of them. Her smile was beautiful as she reach out touching each of them. Rebecca took her into her arms and carried her to her mother. "She is whole and intact, She will always remember but mixed in and part of her memory is the love we shared with her. She feels very loved and beautiful, take her home she's probably hungry.

Emily opened the door to her home welcoming he guests. "Becka, Gabby come in please, I understand you visited Sally last night."

"Yes we did, she is very happy and energetic, her mother said she is eating more than her older sons did when they were teens," Rebecca replied. "The Vigilees have sort of adopted her family, which is good. They have been struggling since Sally's father died two years ago. They moved them into a better house and will take care of all their financial needs."

"That's wonderful, how did you find this out?" Bea asked.

"The head of the Vigilees, you know, my prosecutor, he apologized very sincerely and said he would do his best to make right what his men had done."

"What I don't understand is why those bastards won't stand trial!" Emily said.

"They were under blood oath as Vigilees to protect and serve. They broke their oath so they paid with blood, their blood. If they had been simply been tried they would only have faced deportation. The head of the Vigilees explained it to me. He plans other reforms so people can voice complaints and concerns without fear of reprisals. He talked to me for a long time," Rebecca said.

"We made quite a splash with our first act as a coven," Mary said.

"I can still feel the energy from what we did, It felt so good to help Sally heal, with a healer witch our coven is truly blessed." Emily said.

"What will happen when we return to the big island, will we still be a coven?" Gabriela asked.

"Yes, we are connected, a true coven that can not be broken as long as we so choose it." Mary then handed each a teardrop shaped crystal on a gold chain. "This will be how we can communicate, just wear them." They will vibrate slightly and glow when you touch them with intention."

"Intention?" Gabriela asked.

"Intention to communicate, not a voice message like taking, but one of mood and need. Bring two together and they will give all of our locations. We will need to 'power up' the crystals." They then had ceremony with all five of them holding the group of  nine crystals by the chain and as they glowed the crystals began to glow incandescent. Then each took a crystal and placed it around their neck, the glowing slowly fading. "We have nine crystals because three more will join us. With six we will move wind and control fire. The seventh the foreshadows the dragon's return. This has been foretold by my people for generations. We will be part of it."

"Your people?" Gabriela asked.

"My dad was from the Delta, a genuine Covenentor. My was mom Roamy. Their beliefs were so similar they were a very happy match. What shall we do now?"

"Now lets have lunch I'm starving," Gabriela said.

They all laughed and sat for lunch. "I think we should do something special at the harvest festival," Rebecca started.

"What are you thinking?" Emily asked.

"A fire dance," Rebecca said with a devilish grin.

"OH YES!" Gabriela added. "I'm dancing too."

"What's a fire dance?" Emily asked.

"We dance and twirl balls of fire," Gabriel said then smiling brightly added, "not wearing a stitch!"

Emily simply looked shocked at the two of them. "You're serious about this aren't you?"

"Well what do you think? I want to leave a memory of me the colonies will talk about for years. Do you wish to join us?"

"Becka, you're already right up there with your mom in the colonies lore. Talk to her about it too before you act. You have achieved more than a fair share of notoriety already."

"Yes, I had always hoped for a quiet life, but with this I will be the one to create my image, not circumstances I have no control over. I would rather be remembered as a wild exotic witch fire dancer than a murderess and victim, I'm thinking a costume may be best but I've not made up my mind." Rebecca said softly.

"I just want to dance!" Gabriela added. "Now tell me about dragons!"

"There were dragons here when the planet was first colonized. We lived in peace then they disappeared. That is really all I know." Mary said. "Our constant warring may have been the reason, or perhaps climate change. It's much drier now than in the past. But I'm simply speculating. I really don't know. My dad said he saw one as a child. It talked to him. But my dad was a great story teller.

"I wish I could ride a dragon!" Gabriela said wistfully.

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