Chapter 9 Musician, Healer, Wife

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After dinner several days after their arrival Rebecca and Gabriela sat on the soft carpet as they entertained Nathaniel, Wilhelmina and Hermione with music and song. They sang beautifully together. Nathaniel loved to hear Rebecca's voice, he loved even more watching her body sway to the rhythm of her music. They also played several dance tunes and Rebecca sang several Laplaar laments. Their final song was the very famous ballad "The Battle of the Shield Wall."

Hermione laughed, "I've always wondered if that battle really took place."

"It really did Grandmother," Nathaniel said, "The Jamie in the ballad is Becka's mom." That statements caused some surprised looks from Wilhelmina and Hermione. "I wish I could stay but I've got business on the ship tonight, I will be home, Becka I would love it if you waited up." Rebecca nodded. The evening was very quiet and Rebecca tucked a very tired Gabriela in bed reading to her then returned to the sitting room to talk at Hermione's request.

"It's so obvious to us that you love Nat. He has always talked about you. Did you both really swim naked together daily," Hermione began.

"Yes, most days if it was warm enough, he lived in Novi and I had a little skiff.                                 I would sail over if he wasn't with me in classes in Bountiful and we would swim," Rebecca said blushing. "We were often accompanied by others, my mom never new."

"He tells me you're a healer, he never mentioned you were a musician and singer."

"Music has always been a big part of my family, I grew up with it. I am a healer and midwife."

"Tell me about your little sister, she could easily pass as a sister but I sense she is least by birth."

"I found her on Fatu-Nevo, she had been marooned there by her people when she was nine, and she was living like a wild child when I found her. I love her so I made her a sister."

"Fatu-Nevo...what were you doing so far south, you were in the southern ocean. I thought you were coming hear."

"I'm just guessing, but I believe a man named Jake had convinced the captain to sail south to the Fatu Islands to avoid pirates. Their headquarters were on Fatu-Geelo, that's where Nat found me, I thought he was the pirate leader and really gave him a hard time. I even attacked him with a knife thinking he would hurt Gabby. It took me a while to trust him. I was so very frightened. He paid two thousand gold marks for us."

"I know I'm prying but I can see you are carrying a secret that really troubles you. I can promise my complete secrecy if you want to confide it in me."

"I need to tell somebody Grandmother...I'm so afraid Nat will hate me and reject me...I want him so very much." Rebecca was weeping.

"Come hear child," Hermione whispered and Rebecca sat with her as Hermione held her, "I doubt anything will prevent Nat from loving you, you must trust him."

"I'm a murderess Grandmother...a murderess. I can never go home, I'm probably being hunted now."

"Tell me what happened Becka."

"I was in Novi and it was late when I was returning to my skiff to go home. Three men were apparently following me, I panicked and ran and ended up in a blind alley. They struck me knocking me to the ground and said they were going to rape me...I told them I would tell my father...they were Vigilees, they were pledged to protect. They just laughed. Then one of them recognized me and I heard his whisper that I couldn't be left alive. I was in a panic...I lifted my dress and they thought I was offering myself. I had a gun hidden under my skirt on my thigh and shot one twice and the second one once. The third one started shouting 'Murder...murder!" so I ran. I stole money from my mom left a note and bought passage to the big island. I know I killed both men." 

"Why didn't you go to your parents, what you did was self-defense Becka."

"I so wish I had...they were VIGILEES, I didn't think any one would believe me over them. I was so terrified...I really didn't think. By running I have pretty much admitted to murder."

"Becka, what's a gun, shooting I understand."

Rebecca lifted her Sari, she had a small leather pouch strapped to her inner left thigh. She removed a small brass device and handed it to Hermione. "This is a gun...I knew you would want to see it. It has three barrels that I can rotate and fire one at a time. It fires a half inch lead ball." The guns barrels were about four inches long. It had a red colored wood inlay on the grip with the letter 'R' beautifully carved into it as well as roses.

"Do you always carry this 'gun'?"

"Not now, I don't ever want to kill again!"

"I really think you should Becka. You obviously planned to tell me tonight, why Becka."

"I hoped you would understand...I needed to share my awful burden, I know how much you love Nat and believed you would be a safe place to start."

"I feel that you are holding back on something Becka."

"One of the men I killed was Nat's father...Clive!"

"Oh carry such a heavy burden." Hermione was now weeping too. "I understand your tell or advice is honesty Becka. I really believe he will understand and still love you. If he refuses you I will adopt you and Gabby and you can stay until he comes around. I feel that I have known you forever Becka because of all Nat's stories about you and I love you like a daughter. Tell him...he is worth the risk." Hermione held Rebecca until she had cried it all out. "You should continue to carry the gun Becka, please I feel strongly it may be needed."

That night Nathaniel returned to find Rebecca waiting. She looked very sad and agitated. Nathaniel could sense something was bothering her. "You and Grandma getting along?" he asked very concerned.

"Oh yes Nat, I really love her and your's something about me I really need to share."

"Let's go to bed Becka, then you can tell me."

"You might not want me in bed after I tell you!" Rebecca said now crying. He very gently took her lifting her into his arms and carried her to their room as he held her. He lay her on the bed, she was still wearing her sari and was barefoot. He removed his boots and vest and lay down beside her. He lay on his back and she put her head on his shoulder looking into his eyes as she clung to him. "You have such beautiful blue eyes Becka, now tell me everything, and Rebecca did.

When she woke the sun was just peaking above the horizon she was confused and terrified. Then she realized she was not alone, in fact she was resting her head on his chest. The burden she had been so reluctant to share now lifted. Her sari and other clothes were in a pile on the floor but she still wore all her anklets, bracelets and necklaces. She started to cry and Nathaniel woke caressing her hair.

"Nothing will ever cause me not to love you with all my heart Becka, I am so glad you survived that awful attack, your life and happiness is all I care about." Rebecca looked into his face and lifting her hand gently caressed his face, the joy he could see in her eyes touched him deeply as he pulled her closer kissing her. "I only wish we could marry in the temple so we could be together forever, perhaps our children can do that for us. I have loved you since that first day we met at the start of school. If you mom hadn't adopted me and fed me I don't know if I would have survived my mother's death. If I hadn't your love and the hope of us being together someday I would have not survived the shipwreck. You are my everything, my joy, my one and only."

"I was so afraid to tell you Nat, I love you so very much and want your love so badly. I need your strength, your forgiveness and most of all your touch." She reached for him caressing his chest and belly as he folded her into his arms.

They arrived late for breakfast. Rebecca was smiling radiantly as she filled her plate with sliced melon and toast. Hermione seeing her smile looked at her with one eyebrow raised in a silent question. Rebecca nodded and Hermione returned the smile. Rebecca and Nathan continued holding hands under the table. Nathaniel managing quite well with his left hand. 

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