Chapter 11 Negotiations

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Captain Gomez along with two other companions were ushered into a room where Governor General Derek, his wife Jamie and Roland and David (the leaders of the colony on Bell Isle) and their wives awaited. "You have word of my daughter Rebecca?" Derek started.

"Yes we have Gov'ner, she is currently in the hands of a renegade Roamy pirate named Nathaniel Cliveson. You may know him. We are currently pursuing him and anticipate rescuing the girl. I have four ships engaged in the pursuit and am here to inquire about rumors I've heard regarding a reward. My man Jake here, was on the ship that the pirates captured and came to us regarding the possibility of a rescue. Adam here was crew on Nathaniel's boat before he turned pirate and has been very helpful as he has knowledge regarding Nathaniel's travels."

"The reward is one hundred thousand gold Captain Gomez for her safe return. I am willing to reimburse any additional costs you may incur."

 Jamie leaned against Derek holding him and looked tired and worried. " what you can, I just want my Becky back!" Jamie whispered. "I will advance you what you need for you pursuit..." Jamie broke down into tears and Roz and Sophie lead her from the room she was crying so hard she was shaking.

"I don't trust those men," Roz whispered to Sophie, "Nat been gone for a long time but turning pirate?"

Sophie agreed. Emily, Jamie's daughter-in-law joining them as they discussed the dilemma. "You're a witch...I mean empath Emily, what are your feelings," Sophie asked.

"I suggest we hire one of the fast Laplaar ships to shadow Captain Gomez and return telling us where he is from for starts. I have enough cash to fund the trip and it may be our best bet. I feel she is still alive, I can't really tell you how but both Bea and I feel she is actually save and happy, we feel an odd connection with her. I know how strange that sounds, but my sister and I love Becky, or Becka as she prefers, like a sister."

Gomez was advanced ten thousand gold marks and left. He was shadowed as he returned to Fatu-Geelo by three small fast ships which he dismissed as Laplaar fishermen. He was surprised that the colonies law inforcement, the Vigilees were totally disinterested in Rebecca's murder charges and chalked that fact up to 'friends in high places'.

Negotiations with the Imperial Government went tremendously well. The Dictator Val was personally involved. Gomez, Adam and Jake met with Val in his winter palace in the forum of Lands' End. As they walked through the forum they noted a young boy about ten and a young girl about fourteen being paraded naked in chains through the street. The boy was weeping and the girl whispering to him holding him in apparent attempt to comfort him. The crowds were jeering and laughing as the couple made their way to the center of the forum. The pirates entered the palace and were escorted to a large balcony overlooking the forum center.

"A slave auction I imagine," Gomez said to Adam and Jake who were staring at the young girl.

"No, an execution, they are to be crucified." Val drawled. "You must be Captain Gomez, I do hope we can do business."

"What crime did they do?" Jake asked pointing.

"They are Covenanter's, they follow the old religion like the dam Roamy and deny the dragon god and my authority."

"I've heard about the dragon cult, no offense Your Highness, but are you a believer?"

"I believe in power Captain Gomez, complete power, I invented the dragon god to control the masses. Their father signed the Covenant denying my godhood and power. I made him an offer, turn yourself in and I will spare the children."

"I take it he has not," Gomez stated.

"He did. That's him tied to the stake. He can watch his children die in agony, a sacrifice to the dragon god. Then on the third day of the execution we'll nail him up so he can watch when we brake his children's bones. They will die within hours. I'll let him hang until he rots."

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