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Kenma/ 3rd pov

I woke up in a hotel room. I probably fell asleep after we had sex.

"Oh he is gone"

I honestly was looking forward to seeing him in the morning- wait what am I thinking. He is paying me to have sex. He has a fiance.

Kenma stretched and hopped out of bed seeing around 100,000 yen (1,000usd) and a note that said

"Hi, kitten there was something at work so I am back to working again. I left you 100,000yen go eat or something. And the envelope has half the monthly allowance in it. Take care."

"At least he gave me the money oh and my allowance!"

"Hmm, I feel a bit frisky today," he thought

He shrugged it off and changed clothes. He assumed that Kuroo showered him since his hair was wet. How thoughtful.

"Alright let's make some room service"

He dialed the telephone to order a meal

He realized he was at Aragawa.


He quickly ran out of the room and went up the elevator

He was going to enter until the security guard stopped him

"Who are you"

"Actually he is a friend let him in"

"Oh okay chef"


"Hey kens lets go inside I'll cook you something"

We walk inside and I sat at the bar so he could cook in front of me like those sushi bars

"So Kenma why are you here"

"I woke up here and Kuroo gave me my every 2 weeks allowance and he gave me 100,000 yen for the day"

"Purrrr get that bag"

Akashi was a very good multitasker he cooked while talking to me

"So yeah Bokuto and I had sex for the first time"

"The infamous playboy? First time?"

"Yep haha"

"So you guys had sex for the first time in a strip club"

"Yeah but after we went here too"

"I wonder why they checked in here"

"Apparently it is super good for discreetly checking in for a night"

"Oh so it is like a rich people's sex hotel"

"Yep too bad they don't fucking pay me enough to be the chef"

"Yeah true  hahaha so how are you and Bokuto after the sex"

"We did multiple rounds until he had to go to work"

"How is it like being in love"

"Uhhh t is surreal. Like a dream. A new feeling"

"I wish I can be in love"

"You never know Kenma. The love of your life might be the guy you are currently sleeping with"


"You never know anyways your food is ready and I need to start working for reals. Love you see you later"


Akashi handed him a plate of salmon teriyaki with rice on the side

His favorite

A waiter handed him a coke and miso soup

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