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Oikawa and the couple have been talking about their plans for the wedding. The couple plan on getting married next year so there would be plenty of time. But, the bachelor parties were happening in a week! (just pretend that's normal)

" I think a maroon red should be the theme of the wedding. What do you think?" Oikawa Asked

"Oh I was thinking a bright pink," She says annoyingly

Oikawa whispers to Iwazumi "Trashy, like her"

Iwazumi chuckled back. Kuroo must've heard what they said since he glared at Oikawa. Thankfully, the girl couldn't notice what he said since she was busying texting someone. Weirdly enough she jumped out of her seat and said she had to leave urgently. She jogged to the door but before she left she sprayed perfume on her.

"Why did she use her perfume for sex?" Kuroo Questioned but brushed it off

(some perfumes are specifically used for sex because they have alpha and beta wolf pheromones or some shit like that idk"

Once she left Oikawa stopped discussing the wedding plans. It became awkward every since Kuroo heard Oikawa disrespect his fiance.

"Hey hey hey!" a guy with owl-like hair shouted




Bokuto and Kuroo were the bestest of friends. They met each other in high school. Both of them equally as rich. They did everything together. They were actually rumored to be dating but Kuroo shut them down since him and Kylie were together.


They hugged and tackled each other to the floor.

"So bro have you found anyone yet?" Kuroo asked

"Nah, bro. It's just me and Mystic"

"Oh yeah, your pet owl. Dude that's so epic! Kylie never let me have pets"

"Yo for real? That's so sad"

"Anyways how big are you now" Kuroo snickered

"Big enough for you to have a hard time to tackle me" Buk replied

"Cap," said Kuroo while tackling him

The best friends wrestled on the floor acting like dogs.

"Ugh, that's so gross! If someone did that to me I would cry my hair would get messed up! No wonder yalls hair is so messy"

"Okay Mr. Flattykawa" snickered Bokuto

"Hey! Just because your thick doesn't mean you get to disrespect me like that! A cupcake is still a cake"

Everyone in the room stopped trying to comprehend what Oikawa just said then everyone burst out laughing. The boys calmed down and sat on the floor.

"Anyways I am here for one and one reason only. The. Wedding. Plan" Oikawa said pausing in each word

"I SWEAR. Stop complaining shitty kawa. I am this close to choking you" snickered Iwazumi

"Woahh Iwa-chan I got the chills. That's a bit too kinky let's wait till we get home" Oikawa winked (i hope someone got that reference)

"Can you guys stop flirting?" an annoyed rooster said

"Oh yeah, Iwazumi and Kuroo arestraight. I hope you get well soon babes<3" Oikawa replied

"Yeah and what about it" Kuroo replied

"Uh anyways" Oikawa while rolling his eyes and flipping his eyes

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