Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I've got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?

Hueningkai closed his eyes as each word was spoken with lust and emotion. He smiled as he fluttered his eyes open, accidentally looking towards the direction of a love-struck being whos eyes were half wide opened, truly struck by the beautiful, enchanting, lyrical voice of the younger.

Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I've got nothing

He could feel himself singing the words; just directing them towards the person he had laid his eyes on. Every word, with love and passion seem to create a tensual atmosphere and he didnt fail to notice how the latter was equally as mesmerized into his gaze just as he was. They both stared like love-struck people who found hope and comfort through the silence that conquered them. Hueningkai still playing the piano and still singing but everytime he would sing a line, he would look up to the others reaction.

Soobin was flustered when he suddenly was noticed by the younger. When his deep brown orbes stared into his, Soobin didnt feel like himself. He felt his heart racing at an inhuman speed, his chest pounding, (aching to be specific), immersed at the youngers gaze.

What to say? What should he say? He didnt know. One of the very fine moments to say he was speechless and no words could be formed from his mouth.

The song eventually came to an end, the tune just setting down and Hueningkai slowly closed the ending perfectly, his now dry and hoarse throat leaving a breathy sigh. He backed his hands away from the keys, placing them onto his knees as he slowly and swiftly lifted his eyes towards the older who didnt fail to admire each and every feature of the younger.

"H-how was it?", He asked, his voice none more than a whisper, not breaking the tension in the air

Soobin finally came back to his consciousness. He could now comprehend that there was the same beautiful boy who he was daydreaming about, sitting in front of him, waiting for a response

The long pause made Hueningkai worried and anxious. Did he not like it? Hueningkai frowned as he sadly sighed

"I-its ok if you didn--"

"It was beautiful", Soobin interrupted, getting up from his seat, slowly walking towards the younger. Hueningkais eyes fluttered open at the sudden contact from the other. His heart didnt miss a beat as the adrenaline gushed to his veins

"No, it wasnt beautiful...it was perfect", he continued, creating a feeling of satisfaction in the youngers system

Hueningkai slowly stood up from his seat as the other approached near him. His heart pounded against his chest, almost as if Soobin could hear it too.

"I-im glad you liked it", Hueningkai whispered.

Soobin stopped walking as now, he was right in front of the other. He gazed into the youngers eyes as they glistened, giving Soobin the desire to stare into them forever. Suddenly, his hands reached the fringe of thr younger. He moved the bangs out of the youngers forehead, now able to view the beautiful, perfectly sculpted face more clearly.

Hueningkai blushed at the sudden touch, staring back into the eyes thay stared at his. He never really thought so much about it but the latters eyes were very sprakly and perfectly shaped. His lenses were prettily colored and his long eye lashes added to the captivating beauty that was canvased in front of him. Not to forget, his nose was perfect too.

Hueningkais gaze lowered to the bottom of the latters face, trying to capture every immaculate detail of the others pretty face. His pointy dimples simply made him look like an etheral god, just elegant and attractive.

He hadnt noticed he had been staring too much when his gaze suddenly dropped to his lips. Again, the eccentric feeling that pushed his guts was a very terrifying opportunity. Everything was wrong, all this was....not right. He felt him betraying his parents desire. But when someone like Choi Soobin was right before your eyes, it was almost impossible to look away.

Soobin hadnt failed to notice the younger staring at him. He was not creeped out because after all, he was doing the same. Everything suddenly felt so right at the same time, like time had stopped. Soobins gaze shifted downwards, towards the pink, thin lips of the younger, back into the youngers eyes to see what his intentions were. To his surprise, he swore he saw the younger directly looking at his lips, willingly leaning in and Soobin then diverted his gaze back again at his slightly parted lips, leaning in, more and more. It wasnt long until both could feel each others hot breathe striking each others face. Just one more step and their lips could be connected into a lustful, endearing and slow kiss that could satisfy both needs but just as that was about to happen, both boys suddenly pulled away as the door knob twisted and the door was pushed open.

"Its been an hour, time for you to go now, kid"


this chapter was quite descriptive compared to the other chapters. I hope you liked it.

Also, the word count was quite extensive this time, just to make it up for the couple of days i have not updated

Please wait for the next update.

Bye! Stay safe ♡

❝forbidden love❞ // sookaiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя