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Raiden :

(Y/N)'s clothing :

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(Y/N)'s clothing :

(Y/N)'s clothing :

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(A/N) : P.S. i tried guys sorry if it's bad :)

I shook my head. The ringing sound won't stop barging into my sense of hearing. I glimpsed around my landing zone, only to find enormous buildings surrounding the road. I supported my shaking body, gradually limping on the crossroad. Many eyes were on me, but there was a pair i was searching in particular. Which i hadn't seen.

I was trembling by the less oxygen i have inside of my lungs, many cars were colliding. Crashed to one another because of my sudden intrude in the middle of the road. "Raiden?!" i yelled out, trying to call his name. Searching for his presence. "Raiden!"

I bent my head down, scanning my clothing. My eyes grew wide when i realized the fabric changed. Completely out of the ordinary with the current attire. The two sleeves didn't correspond properly on the proportion. Shivering on my two legs, i tried to break the crowd from landing their sight on me.

Suddenly, a woman flew from above. Landing gracefully in front of me. I stepped back for security measures. Her long black hair swayed down from her shoulders, accompanied the brown pupils she had. Whispers were filling my ears, coming from the line of curios watchers.

"Greetings, stranger."

I admired her figure, scanning my eyes up and down throughout her attire. The color scheme was red and blue. With gold brimmed the edge of the fabric. "Who are you? And what is this place?" i asked.

"I am Wonder Woman, and you stand on the ground of Gotham--"

"Where is Raiden?!" i cut her sentence, begging for answers tangled around my mind. Nothing mattered more than to know his location as worry fills my chest. The woman stayed silent, letting the crowds around us as witnesses. She raised her arm, "Batman, i think i have another one."

"Copy that, bring them here."

A voice replied from her call. Seemed like a device was planted on her lower arm. Suspicious, i flinched back when she offered her hand to me. My stare sharpened at her sudden kindness. "Do not worry, i will not land a harm to you. I am going to help you."

Fatal strucK | Raiden x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now