Twenty Five

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We were recovering fast, although we chose to let the interior and the exterior of the Sky Temple as they were. We didn't have any time to spare. Raiden was busy with his duty, back and forth going on about Shinnok's Amulet. I clearly realized he switched his regular amulet with it, brought it everywhere his feet may lies.

Although my feeling kept constantly telling me, something was wrong about Raiden. But I let it aside, seeing as he was the Protector of Earthrealm. Meddling about it will get me nowhere. He was indeed truth and light. So nothing will go wrong, right?

Other than the temple, many have been damaged after the last battle. The academy and the garden were one of them. Last days I've been helping the monks on rebuilding the academy, after that I decided to take my focus to the garden. My favorite place can't be ignored of course.

The scent of the soil spread across the area when I watered them down, the soggy ground now scattered wide. I tucked some of the flowers by hand, making the roots stood balance without disruption. I swept my sweats running down my forehead, carefully, to avoid any dirt brushed my facial features. Lucky me I rolled up my attire which can distract my work.

The sun warmth soothed my skin, making my figure sweating bad. Even though the wind helped me recover the coolness. But still, working under the sun was the least thing like. I crouched down holding down the garden trowel. Slowly regaining my strength as I rested my back under the shade. I closed my eyes, gradually sipped the room temperature water in the bottle.

Footsteps approached my resting body, I chose not to open my eyes. But their voice made me open my eyelids to the environment "(Y/N)." I looked up to see the figure kneeling down. I smiled. "Hey, Raiden."

"Still rectifying the garden, I presume?"

"Ah yes, it's almost done. Just a couple more spot over there." My finger pointed out the designated area which seemed arid, he spun his head to greet the dry ground near the edge. Raiden scanned the area completely, he turned to me and said, "You should not push yourself, (Y/N)."

"It's okay, I can't bare witness as my flowers died in vein." I chuckled, scratching the back of my head. Which I widened my eyes instantly. Jolted wide open as I realized my hands were covered in dirt. They brushed down my hair on the back. I groaned lightly so Raiden wouldn't notice.

"Perhaps you require to wash your hair later," Raiden stated. I was indeed quite surprised he heard my self-protest. Our eyes met instantly, I sighed in defeat, not trying to hide the obvious.

"I know... maintaining them requires a lot of patience."

"Patience is a virtue, Bell."

I warmly smiled, his hand reached for my head and ruffled my hair. I bit the wall inside my mouth instantly. "Ugh! Raiden!" Iexclaimed.  An inaudible chuckle was released from his mouth. I groaned in annoyance as I crossed my arms. He mockingly softened his stare as he lifted my jaw. I stuck my tongue briefly towards him, he shook his head lightly at my expressions.

But then I noticed something obvious, a little too late. His clothing changed. The soft holy blue and white robe were a naught. Replaced by a more perky devilish red and golden touch around the edge. The same was done to his hat. I lifted my brow. "What happened to your clothes?"

He glanced down to his attired before replying "I desired a more.. fitting aura."

"I thought you hated dark themed stuff." I giggled lightly.

I was only replied by a plain smile, his hand brushed through my head, ruffling them again softly. My expression softened at his glimmering eyes. Then something odd i witnessed. For a brief second, his pupils shifted differently. Only a second I noticed the blue icy ocean eyes changed to a tenuous red. I flinched at the spot, which only made him gesture his eyes.

Fatal strucK | Raiden x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now