AE (2)

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It took a while, but we arrived at Shang Tsung island. There were many readings, glad we brought the whole troops for our back up. We rushed inside, seeing already a demonic demon getting impaled by stones. I widened my eyes to see a giant snake covered in flames merged the figure into its stomach. The plot thickened as we rush inside.

There were many silhouettes from afar, standing in a circle. Jacqui ordered the men to line up and followed our lead. Arriving at their presences, we were greeted by the unexpected. The familiarity of each one knocked my senses.


Slowly, the Wind God's eyes reverted towards me. A warm smile surface from his lips. "(Y/N)."

Without any hesitation, I rushed to him. Wrapping my arms around him, overflowed by the feeling of missing his presence throughout the years. The warmth he returned pleasured me. "What are you doing here?" I said as I pulled away from the hug.

Fujin carefully pulled out a crown, overflowed by the tremendous amount of souls. I felt shivers ran down my spine as the aura surrounding it thickened. My eyes flickered to the view. "We must bring this to Raiden."

"Is that a crown?" Jacqui asked.

"Kronika's crown. Without it, she lacks the power to restart history," Fujin continued.

"About time we had some good news."

I chuckled at Young Jax's statement. It was true. We were very at a disadvantage. I released a deep breath. "You have no idea..."

Nightwolf turned to Fujin. "Now that we have this, we're in uncharted territory. We've changed this timeline for good."

"Correct. No one can predict what happens next. Not even me," Shang Tsung stated, his eyes glanced towards me. I furrowed my brows, I never had the urge to trust the sorcerer in the slightest. Even though this was my first time meeting him. A legend lies in the dark to fulfill his needs only.

"I must return to Outworld, to aid Kitana Kahn," Sindel let out a declaration.

"Thank you for aiding us. We will rendezvous at the Sea of Blood in six hours."

"Until our next battle," Sindel excused herself as Shang Tsung opened a portal for her.

I flinched and gazed my eyes to the portal.

Such power.

Before she went further inside, she faced back towards the sorcerer's gaze. A thin smirk appeared before her face. "Sorcerer."

I saw the look on Fujin's eyes, it spoke to me undoubtedly that Shang Tsung was planning something. "I'll go with the Briggs family to brief the Special Forces."

Fujin accepted Grey Cloud's hand. "May the Great Spirit protect you."

"May she protects you, Fujin, when Raiden lays eyes on you with Shang Tsung."

The shaman had said something in the middle of the circle of fact. Fujin couldn't avoid the inevitable. His expression became pale for a brief moment. Staying silent, he ended the farewell with a nod.

"I'll go with Fujin, I'll meet you back in the Fire Garden," I informed Jacqui to went along, she agreed and excused her presence. I let my eyes trailed behind her figure. Slowly disappeared into the horizon.

"It appears you have missed me much."

I spun my head only to be greeted by his mild smile. Mockingly, I leaned closer to his ear. "I am more interested in knowing more about you and Grey Cloud."

"Your future self are no better at this particular attitude."

I furrowed my brows, I distorted my voice in a teasing way. "Oh? Do tell."

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