TB 2

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Never in my life i have avoided eye contact for as long as i did with a Black Dragon. The entire walk was silent, if there was a tumble weed it would be less awkward. His name was Erron Black. Kano mentioned us to be partners, though i must say the offer hardly intimidates me.

"How long you gonna keep that attitude up?" Erron called out, his figure was trailing behind me as we were heading to a certain bar.

I pressed my lips together, still faced towards my front. "For as long as i want, Black" i groaned in annoyance. The two of us had been forced to do this, or else Kano would report to Shao Kahn. Which eventually twist things differently. That was something i wanted to avoid. So i accepted in defeat.

We were told to share the bounty. I am never the one to play with friends. I always work alone. So the partnership didn't intrigued me whatsoever. He caught up his steps to match mine, walking beside my very figure.

My eyes didn't budge his appearance, the pupils kept focusing on the path lies before me. I could feel gaze scanned from my toes to my head "Damn you lookin fine alright--" i raised my arm and pressed them against his neck. Pulling out my dagger faster than he tried to do with his gun "Listen here, Black. This alliance is temporary, don't think otherwise."

He slowly pulled his mask down, revealed his smirking smile "You should be thankin Kano for having a partner like me. I'm a rare one, sugar."

I intensify the force i gave towards his neck, he grunted in pain lowly "Sure hope i won't find another one like you, or else they would be dead."

I put away my dagger and let him breath freely, he rubbed his jaw with a grin. He trailed behind me as we continued to walk.


The view had in the corner of my pupils weren't too promising, currently on my knees to hide my peaking head. Erron and i sneaked up in a near cliff, scanning our eyes at the deserted town. Many of the buildings decayed, there were empty stalls laying in front of them.

"Let's go, this place looks dumped."

A hand caught my wrist, turning around with a pair of brown eyes locking towards mine "This is the place, sweetheart."

I furrowed my brows, pointed the place in the distance with my hand "Are you blind? Look at it, it's deserted. No one would--" as i turned to the direction we were scouting, a silhouette appeared from the shadow of the shade.

The person glanced around before entering the empty bar, i squinted my eyes for a better look. Then they widened as soon as i noticed.

"Told ya" he slid down the mossy ground, i released a hot breath from my mouth before slipping off behind him.

We walked off from the back, making through the cramped alley behind the buildings. There were many barrels pilled up, empty boxes scattered across the corner. I sneezed lightly when my nostrils caught some dust. Erron spun his head "What?" i asked.

He smirked while facing back to his front "Nothin, you just sound adorable," i rolled my eyes in annoyance. We continued to walk from the shade, when we reached a building near the bar, my feet slipped. Knocking an empty bottle off.

The glass shards spread on the ground, my eyes widened. Erron turned his head to my direction before a voice yelled out "Who's there?!"

"Shit" Erron mumbled, he quickly reached for my arm and lead us inside a small gap beside the building. Footsteps came marching towards us, from the corner we stood silently, hiding on the edge.

Just as the figure was around the corner, searching for us, our faces were inches apart. He held me close on his arms. My eyes stared deeply into his, trying to hold my breath as the figure was around the corner. I could hear the glass brushed the solid ground, sign of a foot swept over them.

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