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I haven't left my room for days, there were times where i saw the two guys' silhouette walked by. Still, i wanted to be left alone. Spent most of time meditating, controlling more of the chakra on my powers.

Erron tried to call me a few times, but i set my golden piece of metal communicator aside. Ignoring it. Petty as i was, i even trained my combat skills in my room. Didn't give a shit if i made a ruckus inside.

Maybe i am selfish, but that doesn't change the fact that i hate people fighting over at my cause. Especially when my eyes are looking.

My meditation was interrupted by a voice outside, "(Y/N), i would like to speak with you" i landed on my feet after Fujin intruded by sliding the door open, i glanced at him "Yes Fujin?" i asked.

"Would you like to accompany me?" i tilted my head with both hands on my hips, "Where to?" i asked. He smiled, "To visit an old friend of mine." I didn't notice when he mentioned it, i swear i saw his stare softened. I then nodded in agreement.

"Alright, give me a minute" i said.

Fujin the bowed as i did the same, he left my room while i go get ready. Putting up my usual clothes and tidied up my hair. I washed my face and put on my boots. I walked down the hallway and from the distance, i can already see Fujin standing near the entrance.

I ran to him and peeked my head from the side, "Ready" i exclaimed. He flinched at my presence, then cornered a smirk.

Not even a step out of the temple, some steps were heard approaching the two of us. Fujin turned around and said "Brother, (Y/N) and i will be back momentarily" i didn't have my head turned, just enough for my eyes to look at my shoulder.

"Very well, be careful" Raiden said, i walked off first followed by Fujin from behind. Walking down the stairs of the temple, i still haven't looked back. Until we reach the end, i glanced at him from the distance.

"Fujin, tell me where we're heading, i could try transporting us there" i exclaimed, he nodded and told me where the place were. I cornered a stare at Raiden who was standing from afar, and casted my magic. The roots covered our body and pulled us from the surface, into the ground.


We appeared back in the surface, i saw many native people from which their race i didn't recognize. They were well built, and has a very soft skin from the looks i've captured with my eyes. Some has symbol painted on their faces.

"So, this is America.." i called out to Fujin, he spun his head and smiled warmly. It was a village or some sort, small but cozy. We walked side by side, until the time for me to ask arrived. "Why did you want to bring me here?" i asked, he stayed silent for a while.

I glanced at him, realizing his expression changed. He frowned, "You know the only time Raiden and i ever fought?" he mentioned.

"When i left the Sky Temple to live among the humans" he continued, i was a little surprised at his statement. So Raiden was just an emotionless thunder god. I've not known him better than judging him by that.

"So it's true he's an egoistical asshole."

Fujin chuckled, then continued "Do not become attached to them, Fujin. Sentiment will impede the execution of your duty" he gestured and placed himself at the role of Raiden, i raised a brow.

Although it make sense, who knows which one will get hurt if another in jeopardy. "But warriors like you and i...we are strengthened by sentiment" he continued. At the moment, i take back my words agreeing on Raiden's words. Fujin's was the most accurate one.

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