Chapter 21

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Lucy's POV
I wake up and look around. Where am I? Right, I'm in the mansion. I go to my window and look outside. Natsu is nowhere in sight. He finally got the idea and left.

I walk downstairs and make myself some food. I didn't realize how hungry I was. When was the last time I ate? It doesn't matter, I'm eating right now.

I open the door and freeze. Natsu is fast asleep under a tree. Why the hell is he still here? "Because he cares about you." A voice behind me says. I turn around and sigh.

"What do you want Lyfera?" I ask, agitated. "Sit down and have a chat with me." She says as she walks away. I follow her until we arrive at a certain door.

I walk inside the room and let out another sigh. "Did you have to bring everyone?" I ask as I sit down. Lyfera just grins. "Now, you're going to tell us why you're acting like this." She demands.

I don't feel like dealing with this. I go to snap but someone grabs my hand. I look behind me and see Sylvia.

Sylvia's POV
I see Lucy go to snap and quickly grab her hand. She glares at me menacingly. The longer I hold on the angrier she gets. If anyone who didn't know her were here they'd be running terrified.

After a few minutes Lucy finally gives up. She looks between all of us and sighs. "If I talk to you will you leave me alone?" She asks, sounding defeated. Lyfera nods in response.

Lucy's POV
I look around the group again and frown. I quickly snap and Lyfera and I are in my room. Before talking I put up a sound proof barrier. Then I sit down beside her and tell her everything.

By the time I finish telling Lyfera everything I'm sobbing uncontrollably. She doesn't say anything, just hugs me until I calm down. I take a few deep breaths and wipe away my tears.

I look at Lyfera and she gives me a smile. "Natsu wasn't lying when he said he did it to save you." She says gently. "If he didn't kiss her then she wouldn't have lifted the spell, and you would've died. You had been asleep for a week already."

I take a few shaky breaths before walking outside. Natsu is under the same tree staring off. When he notices me his eyes light up. Without saying anything I give him a hug.

What an idiot I am. I could never give up Natsu, not after everything we've been through. I look up at him and can't stop myself from crying. "I'm so sorry Natsu. I'm so so sorry."

Natsu's POV
When Luce came over and hugged me I was surprised. "I'm so sorry Natsu. I'm so so sorry." She mumbles through her tears. I don't say anything, I just hold her as she cries.

After a few minutes Luce stops crying. I look down and notice she's sleeping. This reminds me of the night in the forest. If only I had known it was her.

I watch as she sun slowly rises through the sky. How can Luce still be sleeping? She was in a state of comatose for a week. She shouldn't be this tired.

Around noon Luce finally wakes up. "Natsu? What time is it?" She asks groggily. "Almost noon." I reply. She she frowns and looks away.

Lucy's POV
I slept that long? Maybe being asleep for a week made me extra tired. Or maybe the effects of the spell haven't completely worn off yet. I shouldn't worry about it. I'll be back to normal in no time. Hopefully.

Natsu and I head back to Magnolia. I open the guild doors and immediately get crushed in a hug. "Hi Levy." I say after she lets go. "Where were you?! I was so worried!" She exclaims, a few tears falling.

I told levy I went to visit Mom's grave. She didn't ask me anymore questions and left shortly after. I was alone and had some time to think. Although my mind kept wandering to different subjects.

After a while I decided to take a job. Something easy and fast. I look at the request board and grab a flyer. Walking over to Mira I hand her the paper. "Going out for a job?" She asks with a smile. I nod in reply. "Be safe, we don't want you back in the infirmary so soon." She jokes as I walk away.

The job is simple. Help an elderly lady scare off some people trashing her shop. It shouldn't be too hard to deal with. I'll just summon Hakeber to scare them. And then the lady will never see them again.

I make it to the small town and find my client. Her name is Ann. Every night a group of teenagers comes to her shop and uses their magic to trash it. She's tried to hire other people but nobody excepted the job. So when she realized I was going to help her she starts crying in thankfulness.

I wait until it starts to get dark. And after a few seconds I see a group of people approaching. They don't notice me hiding in the shadows until it's too late. The second they try to use their magic I jump out and summon Hakeber. As soon as the kids see the demon they scream in terror and run away.

The next morning Ms. Ann gives me the money along with a couple of small charms. "Give one to someone you love. They aren't magic or anything, just little tokens to show your affection." She says with a smile. I thank her and head back to Magnolia.

When I step inside the guild I notice Natsu. I make my way over to him and sit down. "Welcome back Luce." He says with a grin. With a smile I hand him one of the charms. "What's this?" He asks, looking at it. "Just something too reminds us of scooter when we're apart."

From that day on every time one of them touched their charm it was almost as if the other was standing beside them. And at night when they were together, if you look closely, you'll see a faint glow coming from the small charms.

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