Chapter 17

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Lucy's POV
Hold up! Her dearest? What the hell is this psycho ass bitch talking about? Calm down before you demolish us all. Lyfera says calmly. I take a few deep breathes and relax. She's right, I shouldn't destroy our client.

I look at the lady and frown. I might not like her but we did accept the job. After a few minutes she's introduced herself as Star and  explained what we're doing and where to go. I gladly exit once she's finished talking.

I walk towards the place she told us to go. My team is walking some distance behind me. They're giving me some space so I don't hurt anybody. The only one walking near me is Natsu.

Natsu's POV
I look ahead and frown. "Hey Luce, wait up!" I call out as I jog up to her. She ignores me and continues to walk. "What's wrong?" I ask, concerned. She still doesn't look at me or reply.

Did I upset her somehow? If I did I don't know how. I'll have to make it up to her later. But right now we need to focus on our job.

After walking for a few hours we make it to a small meadow. In the middle is a cluster of tents. It looks like there's maybe a total of eight or nine.

Lucy's POV
I signal to Lyfera after putting an invisibility spell over everyone. She nods and focuses on the group of tents. There's only seven people there right now. But a new troop will be arriving this afternoon. She informs everybody.

I don't have time to deal with this. "Helldress." I mutter in annoyance. A dark light surrounds me for a few seconds. When it fades my apparel has changed.

Before anyone can stop me I create a protection sphere and place it around them

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Before anyone can stop me I create a protection sphere and place it around them. It doesn't allow anything to get in or out. So they won't bother me as I work.

I quietly approach a tent and look for my first target. "Possession." I whisper, watching a soul appear and float to the nearest person. That person happens to be a young girl named Sylvia. How do I know this? I saved her last year.

Letting out a sigh I walk over to the group of people. They don't notice me as they try to get away from the attacking girl. "Halt!" I command. The possessed Sylvia stops and looks at me, as does the rest of the group.

Everyone in the group looks like a teenager. And they are terrified of me. "Release this mortal or suffer the wrath of your queen." I say loudly. The soul leaves Sylvia's body and disappears, leaving her unconscious.

After a few seconds Sylvia wakes up. "What happened?" She asks groggily. She looks at me and a smile forms on her face. "Luna!" She exclaims happily. Before I can move her arms are around me.

When Sylvia lets go I snap, bringing my group over. They all look confused. "Sit." I command quickly. All at once everyone within earshot is sitting around me, except Sylvia. "What are you doing here Luna?" She asks with a smile. I hesitate, if I tell her my mission then everyone here will know. But she'll know if I lie to her.

With another snap I release my transformation and create a soundproof sphere. "Ok, first of all, my real name is Lucy. And second, my mission is to find an object called the Soul Ring." I explain quickly. She looks at me and frowns.

After a few minutes Sylvia agrees to give it to me. "I know it's a dangerous object and you should make sure your client isn't going to use it for anything bad." She says quietly. I nod and teleport to the place she said it would be.

Natsu's POV
Who is that girl Luce is talking to? Her name is Sylvia. Lucy saved her from an abusive family last year. Lyfera explains. I look back to them and don't see Luce. I guess that means she knows where the ring is.

It's been a while and Luce hasn't returned. I'm starting to worry. All of a sudden a scream rips through the silence. "NATSU!" It sounded like Luce. Where is she? I have to find her.

Sylvia's POV
The second Luna's scream is heard everyone panics. I noticed a pink haired boy looks the most worried. That must be Natsu. I grab his hand and drag him to the place the ring is hidden.

When we arrive I freeze. Luna is being held against a wall by her throat. The only thing I can see of the attacker is their purple hair tied up in a bun. Natsu launches himself at the person and they go flying. I quickly go over to Luna and help her.

I run as fast as I can, dragging Luna with me. I don't know how a person as strong as her could be beaten so easily. Unless they used something to stop her from using magic. That has to be it.

I make it back to the rest of Luna's group and drop down in exhaustion. "" I manage to say between gasps. They look at her before running off. Hopefully they get there in time.

I'm not sure how long I was waiting before they all come back. I notice that Natsu still looks like he's ready to murder someone. I'll have to remember not to get on his bad side. The moment he sees Luna he calms down.

Natsu's POV
I was so scared, I didn't know if Luce was ok or not. Thankfully she doesn't seem to have any major injuries. Only a few cuts and bruises. The worst injury is the bruising on her neck. But hopefully it won't do any permanent damage.

I can't believe Star was here. And that she tried to kill Luce. She may have gotten away but I will hunt her down and kill her.

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