Chapter 20

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Natsu's POV
I wake up and immediately notice Luce isn't in the bed. I look around and don't see her. Where did she go? I follow her scent down to the prison. It stops in front of Star's cell.

I look in the cell at Star. "Where is Lucy?" I ask quickly. "I don't know. She stopped down here for a quick chat and then she just disappeared." She replies with a shrug. If she disappeared then she most likely teleported. And I have no idea where.

Lucy's POV
After talking to Star I teleport into the nearby forest. I take a seat beside a stream and start to cry. I know I shouldn't believe her but I do. When she was talking she thought that everything she was saying was true. She described everything he did in detail, and despite how much I wanted to leave I couldn't move.

I'm not sure how long I sat there staring at the stream. But the calming silence is broken by the sound of a person running. I don't have to see them to guess who it is. And I don't want to talk to him right now. So I teleport again.

This time I go to my family's mansion. Over the two years I wasn't in Fairy Tail I would often bring the rest of my team here. We had so much fun running through the large empty halls. And every time we came here I would visit Mother's grave. That's where I am right now.

Natsu's POV
When I heard Lucy teleported I remembered the night in Crocus. She loves to go to the forest when she's upset. So that's where I go. But she must have heard me coming and teleported again.

Where could she have gone now? It doesn't matter, she'll just teleport away again. Damn this is frustrating. I don't even know why she's avoiding me.

I start to aimlessly wander around the quiet city. It's weird to see the streets so empty. But it is the middle of the night. And it's actually kinda peaceful. If only I could enjoy it with Luce.

After a few hours of walking I find myself at the train station. There shouldn't be any trains coming through for another few hours. So I drop onto the tracks and follow them.

I'm not sure how long I was walking, but when I look up I see the Heartfillia mansion. While Luce was gone I'd come here sometimes and talk to her mom's grave. I know it seems silly but I felt like it helped me get closer to her.

I walk over to the elegantly carved gravestone and let out a sigh. Every time I come here I feel like I just missed an opportunity to see Luce. And this time is no different.

Lucy's POV
After a few hours of sitting in front of Mom's grave I sense someone coming. Did Natsu find me already? He couldn't have known I'd come here. So it's probably someone else.

I quickly hide in a tree and erase my scent in case it is Natsu. After a few seconds the figure approaches. And I'm very surprised to see a certain pink haired boy walk up to Mom's grave.

Natsu just stares at the grave for a few minutes before speaking. "Hey Mrs. Heartfillia, it's me again. I found Lucy. And things were great for awhile. But I think I upset her. Now I don't know what to do."

Natsu didn't come here for me? And why does it seem like he's done this before? How often does he talk to Mom? Wait! All those times someone was on the property, it was him going to her grave.

Natsu's POV
I wonder what you'd think of me if you were still here. "She'd think you're an idiot." A voice behind me says. "Luce!" I exclaim, turning around. As I pull her into a hug I can't help but smile. But my smile fades as she shoves me off.

I stare at Lucy in surprise. "What's wrong?" I ask, concerned. "What's wrong?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" She yells angrily. "WHAT'S WRONG IS YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH THAT WHORE!" She yells, tears falling down her face.

I can't believe what Luce just said. "I'm not in love with anyone that isn't you." I say gently. "Then why did you kiss her?" She asks, her voice cracking. "I did it to save you." I reply quietly.

Lucy's POV
Natsu did it to save me? How does him kissing someone else save me? The only thing it did was hurt me. What a stupid excuse. And that's all it is, an excuse.

I look at Natsu and try to hold back more tears. I can't believe I actually came back to this idiot. He doesn't love me. I was stupid to think he did.

I turn around and walk to the mansion. I can hear Natsu following me but I ignore him. Why doesn't he go back to his little slut? He seems to like her more then me anyway.

I quickly cast a spell around the mansion before entering. I turn around and watch as Natsu walks into the invisible wall. I would have laughed if I didn't still feel like crying.

For the next hour Natsu tries to break the barrier. It's getting really annoying. So I'll put another spell up. Hopefully this one will discourage him.

Natsu's POV
I've been trying to break down this barrier for an hour. But it isn't doing anything. Suddenly it starts to shimmer slightly. What's going on?

I carefully approach the barrier and poke it with a stick. The stick gets electrocuted and turns to dust. Glad I didn't touch it, otherwise I would've been fried.

I sit down under a tree and sigh. If Lucy doesn't want to talk to me there isn't anything I can do. I just have to hope she'll forgive me, and soon.

Gone (Lucy Leaves Fairy Tail)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant