Chapter 12

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Luna's POV
After explaining everything to Mira she frowns. "I can tell you that Natsu wasn't in an alley kissing a girl last night." She says quietly. "But that doesn't make any sense." I mumble, confused. "It must be the person who put a spell on the guild." Levy says.

I frown before deciding that we'll meet up and discuss this later. The others agree and we set a time and place. I redo my transformation and look like Luna again. "Still can't believe you're Lucy." Mira mutters quietly. Releasing the soundproof spell we walk out.

Natsu's POV
Luna and Levy went to talk privately a while ago. And at some point Mira must have joined them. I'm curious what they're talking about so I walk near the door and listen. For some reason I can't hear anything in the room.

After a few more minutes the three of them walk out. I quickly act like I was trying to eavesdrop. Luna looks at me and I can tell she knows I was. I sigh and watch as she starts to talk with people.

Later that evening after Luna left Mira walks over to me. "Hello Natsu. It looks like something's troubling you." She says with a kind smile. "It's nothing." I mumble, not looking at her. "Do not lie to me Natsu Dragneel!" She says sternly.

I look up at Mira and sigh. If I don't tell her I'm probably going to die. "It's Luna. Every time I see her I get reminded of Luce." I say sadly. She looks at me with sympathy. "We all miss Lucy." She says quietly.

The next day before the games I'm sitting in a park. Mira and Levy walk by and notice me. "Hey Natsu, there's something we want to talk to you about." Levy says as they walk over.

After both girls are seated Levy speaks. "Yesterday someone told us they saw you making out with a girl the night before." She says with a frown. "I know you weren't because you were at the hotel all night. I saw you myself." Mira continues. "So we wanted to figure what was going on." She says.

Someone saw me making out with a girl. Even though I was at the hotel all night. This is definitely a weird situation. Before I can think about it anymore a bell rings. It's time to go to the arena.

Luna's POV
Today's the last day of the Grand Magic Games. That means I won't have to sit through anymore boring matches after today. But first we have to get through the game and the fights. I zone out during the game and look up when the fights start.

It's team against team. The first three fights are ok. Better then the one on one matches. But they're still boring. The last fight is my team vs Fairy Tail. Hell yes!

I walk to the center of the arena, my team following me. I come face to face with Gildarts. Giving him a confident smirk I tell my team to hang back when the fight starts. When the gong sounds the beginning of the match my team does what I said.

I look at Fairy Tail and smirk. "Do you want us to fight you one at a time?" Gildarts asks, looking confused. "Nope, attack me all at once." I reply confidently. They all look at me like I'm crazy. The second they move I snap.

Natsu's POV
Does Luna have a death wish? Even though her guild is strong she can't take on all of us. Can she? I shake my head and focus. We move forward to attack and she snaps. Then she appears behind us. What the hell?

This continues for a few minutes. Every time we move towards Luna she would appear in a different place. But then she stops. This time when we move towards her she doesn't move. Until we're inches away. Then she disappears.

I look around but can't find her. A whistle above me draws my attention. She's floating there on feathered wings. What she says next surprises me.

"Open! Gate of the damned, Hakeber! And open! Gate of the divine, Ithuriel!" She chants with a smirk. What the hell is going on? Two people form. Wait I take that back, they're definitely not human. One is a black skinned thing with boney wings and sharp fangs. The other looks like a normal girl except for her large feathered wings and the fact that she's glowing slightly.

"Now, Arcanedress!" Luna says, causing her body to glow. When the light fades her appearance is completely different.

 When the light fades her appearance is completely different

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For the first time I start to fear Luna. I didn't know this type of magic existed. But it's oddly similar to Lucy's Stardress. I shouldn't be thinking about that right now. I need to focus on the fight.

Luna's POV
I look down at Fairy Tail and notice they look both amazed and terrified. "Soul tap." I mutter quietly. With this I am able to see people's souls, it also allows me to target specific souls for my next spell. "Soul steal." I mumble, much to Natsu and Gajeels terror.

Despite the name of the spell it doesn't actually steal their souls. It just drains their stamina and magic. But because this is an arcane form the spell had to sound dramatic and terrifying.

Four of the five Fairy Tail members fall to their knees and faint. The only one standing is Gildarts. I figured this would happen.

I stare at Gildarts as I lower myself to the ground. "Purity Flare!" I chant, a white flame appearing. I throw it him and it grows as it travels. But he easily destroys it with his crush magic. "Mutilation!" I chant, causing a wave of skulls to go forth. He once again destroys it.

"Call of Purity!" I say, feeling my power rise. "Sanctity of Death!" I say with a glare. Gildarts falls to his knees and I can see his will to live disappear. But a voice from the stands calls out. "Dad! You can't lose to them!"

Gildarts hears Cana's voice and his will to live returns. "Damnit." I mutter. This means I have to use that spell. "Arcane Wrath!" I yell, the stadium lighting up with a deadly light.

When the light fades Gildarts is on the ground passed out. I can tell he's barely hanging onto life. The second my team is declared the winner I drop down beside him. "Blessings of Hope." I mutter, watching the worst of his wounds disappear.

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