Chapter 4

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Natsu's POV
I was surprised when Happy dropped a letter in front of me. I'm not sure why but I decided to read it. When I finished reading I set the letter down on the table. All of a sudden my head starts to pound. Out of the corner of my eye I see Erza pick up the letter and read it. Her face goes blank before twisting in pain.

Mira's POV
I noticed that Natsu received a letter. Once he's read it he clutches his head as if it hurts. I watch as Erza picks up the letter and reads it. Not long after she sets it down she looks like she's in pain. What's going on?

After a few minutes both Erza and Natsu pass out. I wonder what happened to them. Wait! What if everyone was under a spell? And reading a letter from Lucy broke it? I quickly run to masters office.

I walk into the office and see master sitting behind his desk. "Master! I may have figured out why everyone was acting so strange." I burst out. He looks up at me with surprise. "I think they were under a spell." I explain quickly.

"When Natsu and Erza read the letter from Lucy they seemed to be in pain for a few minutes before passing out. If my theory is right then when they wake up they'll be back to normal." I say quickly. Master seems to think it over for a minute. "I believe your right." He says thoughtfully. "And I have an idea."

I walk out of the office behind master. We walk over to the railing and he gets everyone's attention. "I've been thinking. And I decided that because each of you is to blame for Lucy's leaving you'll each have to read the letter she wrote." He says loudly. "Hopefully you'll realize the mistake you made."

Everyone starts passing the note around. After each person hands it off they grip their head in pain. Shortly after they pass out. It doesn't take long before everyone is passed out. Well everyone that had been affected by the spell.

After about and hour people start to wake up. The first is Natsu. "What the hell happened?" He mutters quietly. "Natsu, do you remember what you did to Lucy?" I ask with a frown. He shakes his head and assumes a confused looks. After a few seconds I can tell he's remembered by the horrified look on his face.

Natsu's POV
What have I done? I was confused when Mira asked if I remembered what I did to Lucy. After all, I wouldn't do anything to her. But then I remembered. It was like I wasn't in control of my body. I remember beating her so bad she almost died.

Then I remembered the note. I quickly grab it and read it again. She's gone? Where did she go? I have to find her. To tell her it wasn't me that did that. But she wouldn't believe me. I'm such an idiot. How could I have done that? I have to find a way to make it right.

I quickly run out of the guild and go to her apartment. I can smell her. I follow the trail all the way to the train station. Shit. If she got on a train I'll never find her. What do I do now? There's got to be a way to track her. I just have to think about it.

Lucy's POV
It's pretty late and I'm still on the train. I'm not sure when I'm going to get off, or even where. I should have thought about this when I left. I could always go to the old mansion. I did get enough money and buy it back a few years ago. I think that's where I'll go.

I get off the train and start the long walk to the house. By the time I make it there it's almost dawn. Man, I didn't get to sleep at all and I'm exhausted. I'll take a short nap before I unpack.

I wake up and see it's almost noon. I should start unpacking now. Or maybe I should leave my stuff packed in case I have to leave quickly. That's the logical option. Suddenly I realize how hungry I am.

It's been a few days and there's been no sign of anyone from Fairy Tail. On the first day here I set up cameras along the edge of the property. That way if someone gets here I'll have about a half hour to leave before they make it to the house.

I wake up to the sound of an alarm. I check the surveillance lacrima and sigh. They finally found me. I quickly grab my stuff and dash out the back of the house. I bought a magic mobile and parked it here for emergencies. And I'm glad I did.

Natsu's POV
A few days after Lucy left I remembered something. A few years ago she had saved up enough money to buy back her family's mansion. Maybe she's staying there. I quickly grab Erza and Gray. We run out of the guild and head to the Heartfillia estate.

After one excruciatingly long train ride we make it to the estate. I can smell Lucy and get hopeful. I quickly start running towards the house, Erza and Gray behind me. After about twenty minutes we make it. I open the doors and notice that everything is messy. Almost as if someone left in a rush.

I search the house and find the most recent scent trail of Lucy. It leads from her bed to the back door. I follow it outside for a few feet before it disappears. What the hell? Why can't I smell her anymore?

It's just like when Lucy got on the train. Wait. Did she use a magic mobile to leave? Dammit, that means I can't follow her anymore. This totally sucks.

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