The pit

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           (This is basically just a "detailed" version of Tommy's and Techno's fight.)

Inspired by a user in Ao3 called @/NnnnnNanio 


Just minutes ago Tommy had watched his bestfriend being murdered by his hero. 

He watched the colorful sparks in horror, as a hurt scream escaped his mouth before it all went silent. All he could hear was the mumled screams of his friends, the quiet popping of the fireworks and the loud ringing in his ears.

He quickly turned his head to Wilbur, who said something to him. Wilbur grabbed his hand and they started running back to Pogtopia.

Tommy didn't want to leave. He wanted to kill Techno, but something made him feel numb. Like it was just a dream, and he would wake up soon. But he still ran, trough the forest with a confused face.

Tubbo truly was dead.

He could respawn, but that didn't mean that all the injuries and trauma would be gone. Tommy had been killed multiple times before, and it wasn't fun.

Back in Pogtopia they saw Techno and Niki. She looked horrified, and her eyes were puffy and red, what probadly meant that she had been crying. On the other hand, Techno looked proud.

He started laughing. Wilbur and Techno were laughing together, just like he didn't just murder Tubbo. Tommy stayed quiet, staring at the floor.

Tommy decided to speak out: "Why did you kill him?" He tried to make his tone as calm as he could.

"In my defence, i was under a lot of peer pressure." Techno said, laughing at the end.

Its like they didn't even care about Tubbo.

Tommy looked up, filled with rage. "That doesn't make any sense! Peer pressured? Grow up!" He said, yelling.

"There was like 20 dudes who could just have jumped me!" Techno said, defending himself.

"You literally murdered all of them after killing Tubbo!" 

"Well i didn't now how weak they actually were!" 

When they were fighting, Wilbur examining the two. 

"You know" Wilbur said, disrupting the fighting. " I think you should solve this problem like real men do." Wilbur said, with a wide smile.

Everyone was now quiet, waiting Wilbur to continue.

"Because i think the only way of sorting this out, is to let them fight out their feelings." He said, pushing the Tommy and Techno to a empty part of the ravine.

They were standing at the opposite sides of the area. 

Techno really didn't want to fight the boy, the look on his eyes broke him. They looked tired, angry, sad and confused. Tommy doesn't deserve this, he was only sixteen and had gone trough more than anyone should in their whole life. He was just a child who was forced in to war without a warning.

Tommy looked up to to see Niki and Wilbur. Niki looked worried, she didn't want her friends fighting after such a horrific night. She quietly shook his head as they made eye-contact. Tommy looked at Wilbur, who had a sick and twisted smile on his face. It's like he wanted them to fight. He wanted to see Tommy in pain, just like when Tubbo got killed.

Tommy almost didn't recognize him. That wasn't the man who he consired his brother, that wasn't the man who fought with him trough all the wars. That was just a scary, empty shell of Wilbur. He really missed the old Wilbur.

Tommy looked at Techno. He didn't look as scary as he normally does, his face was now more worried. But Tommy didn't care.  All he saw was a monster, who just killed his best friend. Tommy had always looked up to Techno, he didn't like to admit it, but Techno was truly his hero. His hero just killed Tubbo.

"Tommy, we dont have to do this. Could we just like... Talk?" Techno said with his monotone voice.

He hated that stupid voice. It was usually comforting to Tommy, but now it just made his blood boil.

"You killed him! And you dont even feel bad!" Tommy said, tears filling up his eyes.

"As i said, i was peer pressured!" Techno responded.

"I dont care, that's not a good reason to kill anyone! Stop with the bullshit, you betrayed us all!" Tommy said, and that's when he threw the first punch. It hit Techno's nose, what made him flinch. Tommy was already trying to punch him again, but Techno dodged quickly.

Techno didn't want to fight him, but he had to defend himself. Techno punched Tommy in the stomach, what made Tommy let out a quiet whine.

After that, Niki had to leave. He couldn't stand this sight.

This went on for a while, Tommy throwing punches anywhere he could and Techno smoothily dodging them. Tommy's vision was blurred by the tears, that were about to spill out. He wanted to hurt Techno like his hurted him. Like he hurted Tubbo. He deserved it.

Slowly, the youngers punched started so slow down, now only weakly punching Techno's chest.

"You betrayed us!" Tommy yelled while punching as hard as he could with his tired arms.

"You betrayed us, You betrayed us, You betrayed us!" The boy kept screaming, while his eyes started to fill up with tears.

"We- we needed you! I- i can't believe you did that!" Tommy said as he finally started so sob. 

"You betrayed us!" The tears rolled down his red face.

Tommy just kept yelling, his voice cracking and hiccups interupting his vent.

After a while, Tommy was just quietly repeating things, as he weakly leaned against Techno.

Techno carefully wrapped his arms around the younger.

"...Tommy?" Techno said with a soft, comforting voice.

After that, everything that had bothered Tommy poured out. He grabbed Techno's shirt as he sobbed. Techno hugged the boy as tight as he could, whispering comforting words to his ear.

Wilbur suddenly couldn't stand the sight. The way Tommy had been hurting and he didn't even notice. He caused this. Wilbur took a step back, because everything just seemed overwhelming.

Tommy sobs filled the whole ravine, making everyone's hearts break, knowing that they were the ones who caused Tommy all this pain.


Words: 991

This was super fun to write, and thank you all for 7K reads <3

Also, if you have any requests, comment them here!

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