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Tommy hates how he has started to see Wilbur in himself.

How he saw the insane  Wilbur, the terrorist  Wilbur, the villain  Wilbur.

He hated how he has started to regonize Wilbur's actions in his own.

Tommy isn't losing his sanity like Wilbur did,

or that was what he was telling himself after the meeting with Dream.

He was sitting in his small home trying to plan for the future, just in case. Tubbo wouldn't exile him, right?

Suddenly he felt a cold breeze over him, what made cold shivers run down his spine.

His room suddenly felt a lot colder.

"Tommy! How are you?" 

Tommy looked up and saw his brother face, smiling at him warmly.

He really didn't feel like talking to him.

"Hey, you look down." Ghostbur said as he saw Tommy's face.

"You didn't see the meeting?" Tommy asked quietly.

"Oh, i forgot it was today! Sorry Tommy, would you still like to- talk about it?" Ghostbur asked.

Tommy and Ghostbur had made a habit of ranting to each other, but it was mostly Tommy talking and Ghostbur listening.

"Ghostbur, am i a bad person?"

Ghostbur looked at Tommy with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Tommy looked up at Ghostbur. "I know you don't remember much about alive Wilbur, but i'm scared i'm starting reseble him."

"Why do you think that?"


"Why is everyone saying i'm crazy?" Tommy said as he tried to explain the fact that Dream wasn't in power anymore.

"I'm not crazy!" Wilbur said as he was falling into insanity.


"I'm not sure." Tommy said, as he tried to find a good explanation.

"Oh, can i maybe help?" Ghostbur asked.

"Well, i guess so." Tommy replied.

"Well, did anything happen today that made you feel like this?" Ghostbur started questioning.


"Tubbo, you can't turn into what you hate, you can't be the next Jschlatt!" Tommy said.

"Well, as long as i can't be Jschlatt, you can't be the next Wilbur." Tubbo said.


"While me and Tubbo were uh- arguing," Tommy didn't like saying that. "We were talking about You and Jschlatt."

Ghostbur didn't remember much about Jschlatt, but everyone had explained who he was and what he did. (He didn't seem like a good guy.)

Tommy continued: "And i think we made an agreement that i can't keep." 

"What was it?" Ghostbur asked curiosely.

"You wouldn't undestand beacause you need to remember the things that happened, but i think Tubbo thinks im going insane." Tommy said.

"Really? I don't think so." Ghostbur said, trying to sound comforting.

"When we were talking about my discs, he called me selfish. I guess i kinda am, i should've thought about what i said to Dream before yelling at him." Tommy confessed.

"Tommy, from what i remember, you definitely aren't selfish! And sometimes you should be selfish, you deserve those discs back!" Ghostbur said with a smile.

Just a couple weeks ago Tommy couldn't have ever thought about hearing those words coming out of Wilbur mouth.

"Hey Wil- i mean Ghostbur?" Tommy asked.


"Will you still look after me if i'm alone?" Tommy asked, quietly.

"Well yeah, i don't really see why'd that change?" Wilbur asked, with the same warm smile.

"I'm gonna be exiled and completly alone, and i-" Tommy started to explain.

"Tommy, i don't really get why everyone is mad at eachother but i promise, i'm gonna stay by your side."

"Okay, well that's good to know." Tommy said, not sure how to answer.

"Yeah, just remember i'll follow you where ever you think we should go!" Wilbur said.

"Thanks, Wilbur. I'll see you around."


Wilbur waved a goodbye before disappearing into the air.

Tommy felt a little safer, even though he knew that Ghostbur really didn't understand anything he was saying.


Words: 660


Wilbur/Ghostbur and Tommy shared a cute moment on stream yesterday

ALSO TOMMY 3 MIL!!! PogChamp!

Tommyinnit Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें