The injury

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Inspired by a story in Ao3 by @/SappitusNappitus, not sure if they have an account here but go check out their story!


Wilbur had always been very protective over Tommy, saying stuff like "It's not safe for you to go outside this late".

But one night Tommy decides that he's prepared enough to go outside in the dark.

He couldn't leave without proper permission, so he tried to convince Techno and Wilbur to let him go.

"C'mon! His base is like 300 blocks away!" 

"Yeah, but i still don't like it. It's already late, and we can go there in the morning together." Wilbur said after Tommy had tried his best to convince the taller man.

"But we really need the bows! What if they are gone in the morning? Or we will be so busy that we wont even be able to get them-" Tommy countered.

"You aren't going anywhere, sit back down. Techno, could you back me up?" Wilbur said.

Techno sighed and looked at Wilbur, and then at Tommy: "Well, he's already 16 years old, we can't keep him inside forever. And Tommy is right, Dreams base is really close."

A grin rose up to Tommys face.

"You know what? You can go. But don't expect my help when you come back bruised and hurt." Wilbur said with an annoyed tone.

"Great! I'll be back in 30 minutes!" Tommy said exiting the ravine. And with a wide grin, he was off to the base.

Tommy had to admit, it was scary outside in the dark. He walked slowly with his sword in his hand, constatly checking over his shoulder and jumping at every small noice he heard. Tommy didn't have much experince about the dark forest, but he had walked the same path multiple times during the day.

He made it to Dreams base, where he got all of them new, great bows. He gave Dream the diamonds that Techno gave him before leaving, and he began his way back home.

He was walking calmly until he heard a hissing noice behind him. He quickly recognized the noise and spun around, ready to kill the mob, but he was too late.

He barely had enough time to make eye contact with the creature before it exploded, destoying everything close by, throwing him several feet back until he landed on his side.

The force of the explosion ended up knocking the wind out of his lungs, so he stayed on the grass for a moment, coughing and trying to catch a breathe.

The fear of other mobs finding him finally made the gasping stop, and he tried to get up.

He tried pushing himself off the ground with his arms, but he noticed a burning pain on his wrist. It was the arm that he landed on. Even in the dark forest, he saw how twisted it looked.

Thankfully, he found the bows unbroken next to him. He must've dropped them before he fell.

He started thinking of a plan. Pogtopia wasn't that far away, he could yell for help, but then his pride won over him. Wilbur couldn't find out about this, because that would mean that he was right and that Tommy wasn't independent enough to leave anymore.

So he picked up his things, and slowly made it back to Pogtopia.

As he walked down the staircase, he hoped that nobody would be downstairs. He could just leave the bows somewhere and lock himself in his room to figure out what he would do with his wrist.

When he saw that nobody was around, he slowly made his way up to a chest with all their stuff. He cleaned a little bit of room and placed the bows carefully in the chest. 

Then he walked to his room, quietly locking it and letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He started to look trough his messy room to find anything that could help. He had to be really quiet, because Wilbur room was next to his and he was pretty sure that he was in there.

All he found were some bandages and he started wrapping his arm. He also didn't have much experience with healing. He tried to make it as tight as possible, but it hurt too much. He let out a line of curse words as he tried to do it again.

He was about to give up until he heard talking outside his door.

"I think Tommy's home, the bows are here." Techno said while looking trough the chest.

"What? Where is he?" Wilbur said as he was about to burst down the door.

Tommy quickly ran up to the door, sitting against it. He couldn't use his arm, what made this a little more difficult.

"Tommy? Did everything go well? Could i come in?" Wilbur said as he stopped pushing against the door.

"Yes! Everything went well!" Tommy panickly replied.

"Is everything okay? You sound weird." Wilbur said as he came trough the door.

He looked down at the boy. He had bruises all over him, on his face, legs, arms... Wait, why does his wrist look like that?

"What the hell is that?" The taller man said while looking at the damaged wrist.

"It's- it's nothing!" Tommy stuttered, hiding his arm behind his back.

Wilbur pulled Tommys arm back to view, as the hand hit his side, Tommy flinched harshly. The wrist was purple and weirdly bent.

"Were you hiding this?" Wilbur said as he looked at the boy.

"Well, not really-" Tommy was interrupted when Wilbur suprisingly hugged him. He couldn't really hug back because of the position he was sitting in, but he tried his best.

"Tommy! Don't you understant how bad that could have gotten if i wouldn't have found out? You need to realise, you can tell me anything!" Wilbur said, now sitting in front of Tommy.

"Well yeah, but i didn't want you to be right." Tommy said while looking down.

Wilbur lookes at him, confused: "Tommy, i trust you. I think you are strong enough to go on your own adventures, but you need to tell me when stuff like this happens."

Tommy lookes back at him, smiling.

"Lets get Techno in here, he knows how to fix you up." Wilbur said.


Words: 1006

Hello!! This book already has over 3.5K reads and i couldn't thank you enough <3

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