Part 17

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It was my last day in America. At 7pm tonight I would be on a plane heading back to England. I didn't want to leave but I knew I had to.

"Hey Alex." Ben said slumping on the couch next to me in a pair of dirty boxers.

"Morning." I smiled.

"It's your last day today" Ben said

"Ben. Don't make me leave" I said putting my head on his shoulder.

"If you don't want to go, don't go" Ben said.

"What how could you say that!" I stood up "I don't have anywhere to live out here"

"Whoa. Calm down Alex" Ben laughed.

"Sorry Ben, it's just I really don't want to leave but I know I can't stay." I said feeling like crap.

I was walking across the field and saw Alan's ginger hair shining in the sun. I walked over to him, he was stood with Austin.

"Hey guys." I said smiling at then.

"I have to go." Alan said rushing of. He didn't even look me in the eye.

"What was that about?" I asked Austin.

"I told you not to hurt him." Austin said looking like a disappointed parent.

"But Austin I don't even know what I have done!" I said feeling like my heart had just been ripped out. Maybe I cared about Alan more than I though I did. Austin walked off and left me stood in the field feeling more alone than I had for a long time.

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