Part 14

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I was walking through the field when I heard someone shout me. I turned around and saw Alan's ginger hair bouncing as he was running over to me.

"Hey Alex" Alan smiled "I know you're leaving in a few days but I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can"

"Alan, Nothing would make me happier" I smiled as Alan grabbed my hand.

"Do you want to go to the canteen and get some food? I would take you out but we're playing soon" Alan said walking towards the canteen.

"I would love too" I said following Alan. We walked to the canteen and today Miss May I were serving the food. It was a little weird getting served chicken by Levi Benton.

"Go sit over there in the corner" Alan said pointing to a small table with two chairs.

I started walked to the table when I turned my head to see if Alan was still behind me. As I did that I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I said looking at one half of Breathe Carolina.

"It's cool" David said walking passed me.

"Hey David" I heard Alan say.

"Sup man" David said fist bumping Alan.

"You need to started watching where you're going, Alex" Alan laughed placing his tray on the table.

"I know, That's the second band member I have walked into!" I laughed. Me and Alan sat talking for about half an hour when I saw Sam staring at me from the corner of my eye.

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