Part 16

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"Alex!" I heard Alan's voice shout behind me. "Alex wait up!"

"What Alan?" I said turning around to face him.

"What was all that about?" Alan said putting his hand on my arms.

"Nothing" I said shrugging his hands off me. "I'm going back to the bus." I turned and started walking away.

"Alex are we even going to talk about this?" Alan said. I stopped and looked at him over my shoulder.

"I'm leaving in two days, there's no point explaining." I carried on walking.

"Alex come on." Alan watched me walk away from him "Alex?!"

I practically shook the ground I was walking on I was stomping that hard. I saw Rosy running over to me from the corner of my eye.

"Alex!" Rosy yelled running over. I had got to the point where I was sick of hearing my own name!

"What!" I yelled. Rosy looked at me like a lost puppy "Oh my god, Rosy I'm so sorry. I'm just stressed"

"It's okay don't worry about." Rosy smiled and hugged me. "Hey let's go back to the bus a watch a girly film"

Alan walked over to Sam who was sat talking to Cameron.

"Hey Sam. Can I talk to you?" Alan asked.

"I guess so." Sam said standing up. Alan and Sam started walking together. They were both really uncomfortable.

"What was that stuff in the canteen about?" Alan said looking at Sam as he walked.

"Look I'm sorry I said anything, I was just jealous." Sam admitted.

"Jealous? Why would you be jealous?" Alan asked confused.

"It's a long story." Sam shrugged.

"I have time." Alan said.

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