Part 10

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"Well it's kind of a long story. I would rather not get in to that right now, if that's okay?" I smiled. Alan pulled up at the front of the cinema. He got out and ran around to my door, he opened it and held out his hand. "Alan, you're such a gentlemen" I laughed as I got out of the car.

"Well I try." Alan winked. He grabbed my hand and we started walking to the cinema.

"Look Alan, I really like you b....." I started

"I like you too. A lot." Alan said going red.

"No I mean I like you but I'm only in America for a week." I said as we were stood in the queue.

"Alex, I know you're only here for a week but I want to make it the best year of your life" Alan said pulling me close. He looked down at me and his face got close to mine.

"NEXT!" the woman behind the counter yelled.

I went back to the tour bus after mine and Alan's date, It was perfect. He paid for everything and he even let me eat most of the popcorn. He was so sweet. I opened the front door of the bus.

"Hey Alex!" Sam slurred

"Are you drunk Sam?" I laughed. "Where's everyone else?"

"They went for a pizza!" Sam yelled pulling me on the couch by my shirt "Remember when we had sex?"

"Oh my god Sam. I think you need to go to bed...." I said trying to help him up. Sam pulled me back down but some how I ended up on top of him. He tried sticking his tongue down my throat. "Sam what the fuck!" I yelled pushing him away. I grabbed a bottle of Jack, I really needed it if I was going survive the night with him.

I Woke up and rubbed my eyes. I felt something around my waist and turned and saw Sam laying next to me. Not again.

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