Part 5

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I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. The floor was covered in dirty boxers and beer cans, I honestly don't know how the guys could live like this. I dried myself off and went to Ben's bunk. Ben was letting me sleep in there for the week, I was just hoping he had cleaned the sheets. I wiggled my way into my skinny jeans and jumped up and down until my ass was in. I pulled my Asking Alexandria top over my head and it hung from my chest, I had cut the sleeves off just like Austin Carlile does with his top's.

I jumped out of the bus and looked around, I notice a girl with long blonde hair standing next to the bus.

"Hey!" She said in an over cheery tone "You're Alex right?" I looked the girl up and down, She was a little bit shorter than me and very pale but also very pretty. She was dressed all in black with a slight bit of colour in the Black Veil Brides top she was wearing.

"Yeah.... And you are?" I asked the girl.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Rosy! Ben told me to come say hi" The girl said "Ben said you were staying here for the week and He's good friends with my boyfriend so he thought it would be nice if we got to know each other"

"Well I think I do need some female interaction, The guys are so gross" I laughed "So who's your boyfriend?"

"Ugh I know! I'm dating Ashley from Black Veil Brides and their tour bus is disgusting" Rosy laughed. I think we were going to get along very well even though she was strangely cheery.

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