Chapter 109

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When Luo Xingchen heard Su Tang's terms, her eyes flashed, but eventually, she sighed, "I have to admit, you might be the best businessman I've met so far, you're so skillful at grasping a person's heart. Anyway, regardings the tomatoes and chili peppers, how about 6-4?"

"Sounds good, I'll be six, you be four!" Su Tang winked.

"Hahaha!" Luo Xingchen laughed. "You're joking. That's impossible."

"So you can also recognize a joke. Then, 50-50? Of course, I will provide the seeds and the instructions on how to plant them. However, they won't be able to be planted until next spring so, during this time, you should find some suitable land where they can be grown, and then you can set up a factory near that land to produce our sauces." Su Tang laughed along.

Luo Xingchen gritted her teeth. "You really don't give an inch."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Su Tang said grinningly.

This thick-skinned girl! Luo Xingchen was a bit speechless. "Sorry, that really wasn't meant as a compliment."

Then she looked carefully at the two small jars that Su Tang had been carrying this whole time. "Are those the things you mentioned? The chili sauce and tomato sauce?"

Su Tang nodded and gave passed over the two jars for Luo Xingchen to inspect. They were the chili sauce and tomato sauce that Su Tang had made at home, by carefully grinding and crumbling the ingredients until the sauces were both a uniformly bright red color, with two different but distinctly charming tastes.

"As you just saw, I used these sauces in addition to the usual onion and ginger for the base of the soup. The sauces can add seasoning and flavor to familiar dishes and, since you've already tried the dish, you should agree that the results are very obvious."

"You can use pork broth, chicken broth, beef broth, and so on, and just add in these two sauces with some vegetables and it will create an enjoyable winter delicacy."

"Likewise, they can be eaten over rice or with stirfried meat. Once they hit the market I'm confident that the people in our country will be able to think of many varied and different ways for them to be eaten."

Su Tang continued to explain more ways the two sauces could be eaten in her bid to sell them, "They can be eaten together or separately, and mixing tomato sauce with chicken or bone broth to make a base for meat or vegetable dishes creates excellent results."

In fact, tomatoes and chili peppers were very commonly used seasonings even in Su Tang's previous life. They were two ingredients no proper kitchen would do without and there were many different and varied uses for them.

Luo Xinchen had watched as Su Tang had prepared the Hot and Sour Grilled Fish just now, and Su Tang hadn't hidden any of the steps at all, so she knew clearly that fascinating taste of the final dish depended on these two sauces.

Luo Xingchen could imagine how much of a shockwave would be created if her Luo really promoted the new and completely novel product. They were clearly things that had never been seen before with Qihuang Kingdom so the impact would not be small at all.

And, next year the Luo family was planning to try to promote some of their goods to the palace. Right now, her elder brother was more or less in charge of the entire effort but, if she had these two things in her hands, she might be able to get a share of the business with the palace for herself. Moreover, Luo Xingchen could clearly see that Su Tang definitely had more to offer than just these two sauces.

She had only known the other girl for a day but she could see that Su Tang was sharp, witty, and sensible, really not like an eight-year-old girl at all.

And Su Tang's words just now had especially touched her heart. Of course, it was true that she wanted to be the next head of the Luo family, but was a smart person and she knew there was always the possibility of failure, so it would be good if she could leave herself a way out.

"Alright. I want 30% of the soap and 50% of the chili and tomato businesses. Also, you should have more than just the recipes for these two sauces, right?" Luo Xingchen's thoughts slowly converged, and she made up her mind.

Su Tang knew her true identity but still chose to cooperate with her, which showed that she really believed in her ability as a businesswoman. In fact, it seemed that they were both the same kind of women, and it was already a very rare thing that they could meet each other, so maybe their cooperation was fate.




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