Chapter 23

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Su Tang went to the fabric store and asked about the price of cotton and coarse cloth. Because the harvest season for cotton was still a few months away, cotton was very expensive. However, Su Tang wasn't too worried because it was not very cold outside right now so, after some deliberation, Su Tang spent forty copper coins to buy some coarse cloth and put it in her basket.

She also spent five copper coins to buy some needles and some thread. There were already some at home that were left behind by Su Laochuan's family but Su Tang felt that there were not enough. She was planning to make clothes so, naturally, she needed to buy more.

Finally, Su Tang went to the small grocery store on her way out of town and bought a large bag of alkali noodles and some more vegetable oil. She didn't buy them from Shopkeeper Yang's shop because she was afraid that he might be able to guess that her soap was made from alkali noodles if she kept buying them from him. Fortunately, to create a saponification reaction she didn't need too many alkali noodles so buy the materials didn't cost too much.

The one bag she bought last time had been enough for the big batch of soap she sold today. This time she bought another two bags, which should be enough for at least a while. As for the vegetable oil, she was not afraid to let people know she was buying it because, after all, most people would just assume that she was using it for cooking, no one would suspect that she was using it to make soap.

After buying all of that, Su Tang and Su Nuo walked back to Sujia Village together. The two siblings had made a lot of money today so they walked back with big smiles of their faces.

After they got home, Su Tang planned to go to the Qing River and do some 'fishing'. She knew that Su Nuo was still a little afraid of the river because of his memories of being thrown in, so Su Tang let her brother stay at home to play.

However, just as Su Tang was heading to the river while carrying her bamboo basket, Chen Xiuxiu was going to Su Yonggui's household to talk to Madam Wu.

"Tut-tut, your Dani and Dalang are really capable. I just saw them coming back from town carrying a big bamboo basket and that basket looked very full. Those two seem completely different from how they used to be."

When Madam Wu saw that Chen Xiuxiu had come over, she generously grabbed a handful of melon seeds and gave them to her guest with a smile.

But Madam Wu's face changed when she heard Chen Xiuxiu's words. "What nonsense are you saying? Dani and Dalang are still at home, why would they go to town?"

When Chen Xiuxiu saw Madam Wu acting like this, she just snorted, "What are you pretending for in front of me? You think I don't know what you're thinking? Guixiang, can you really bear to just watch those two brats running around out there so carefree?"

"You don't know it but when they came back from town just now, many people saw it, and they all said that those children have a better life now that they've been adopted. Tut-tut, I listened in for a while on Yang Cuihua and them, and they were all talking about you behind your back."

When Chen Xiuxiu saw that Madam Wu wanted to keep pretending, she directly mentioned how the sister and brother used to look while they were in Madam Wu's care. With their hair dishevelled and their bodies covered with dirt every day. Back then, whenever Madam Wu went out and people would mention the children to her she would always use the excuse that she was just a step-mother so they refused to listen to her. She would always complain that it was not easy to control the children of the previous wife because she was only a step-mother.

She loved to pretend that the only reason the two children were always so dirty was because they didn't like her and they would refuse to wash up. Meanwhile, all she could do was look on helplessly when they were so hard to control because, as a step-mother, she didn't dare to say anything. Because of her constant excuses, although some people could clearly see what kind of person Madam Wu was, there were also many people in the village who believed her words.

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