Chapter 17

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Su Tang got up a little later than Su Nuo the next morning because Su Nuo had gotten up early for his appointment with his friends. They were planning to go up the mountain today.

When Su Tang got up, she started some noodles, then picked some vegetables from the yard to use for the side dishes. After she finished cooking, the siblings ate together. Su Tang was afraid that her brother might get hungry while he was going up the mountain, so she packed some food for him to take along.

When Huzi and Dongzi came, she watched the little guy run outside happily, eager to play with his friends.

Then she was the only one left at home. Su Tang told the orange cat to keep watch outside and then entered her space. Last night, after she unlocked the processing plant, she hadn't activated the fishball processor because she had been too tired.

So now after she went into the processing plant, Su Tang took out a carp and put it into the machine. After about a minute, it produced 25 ordinary fish balls and automatically deposited them into the space warehouse. Su Tang took one out of the space warehouse and tossed it into her mouth.

The soft and tender taste of carp instantly melted in her mouth and assaulted her taste buds. It seemed that space's machine also removed all the fish bones. Because the carp was one of the ones raised by the space, it weighed exactly three jin, and it had a tender and smooth taste that could make a person fall in love after one bite.

After that, Su Tang made more ordinary fish balls using herring. The herring that she harvested from space's fish pond weighed ten jin each so one herring could make ninety fish balls.

She could also raise crucian carp, instead of grass carp, in the fish ponds now that the space was level five but none of them were mature yet so Su Tang didn't know how many fish balls one could produce. After that, she experimented with making steak and chicken stuffed fish balls and found that they were not as big as the ordinary fish balls.

Pigs could also be raised now since the farm was level five and so she would have even more varieties of stuffed fish balls in the future. Needless to say, the ordinary fish balls made from grass carp tasted fresh and tender, while the ones made with herring were more oily and fragrant.

The taste of the stuffed fish balls was very crisp. It was an excellent blend of the taste of fresh fish melded with the stuffing, which, like all the products from the space, tasted very good. Plus, as long as she stored them in the space warehouse the fish balls would stay fresh.

After that, Su Tang sold off some of the things in her warehouse in exchange for points and, when she saw that there were no other issues, she left the space.

Soon after Su Tang came out of the space, Su Nuan arrived to keep their appointment. The little girl brought her beloved sewing basket with her and, after coming inside, she taught Su Tang her needlework. Su Tang, an experienced adult, naturally learned very quickly and Su Nuan was amazed by Su Tang's intelligence.

Because Su Tang learned too fast, Su Nuan soon found that she had taught the other girl everything she knew and there was nothing left to teach. The little girl felt a little depressed because she had always thought she had learned to sew pretty quickly and pretty well, so she did not expect that Su Tang would learn even faster and better.

Su Tang saw that the little girl looked a bit depressed and thought she was cute, so she started teaching her how to braid her hair. With that, Su Nuan quickly forgot her sadness. After all, when small children were distracted by something new, they would forget about anything else.

Su Nuan spent a while learning how to braid her hair at Su Tang's house. But that afternoon when Su Yongshun and Madam Qin saw that their daughter still didn't come back yet they were worried she might try to stay at Su Tang's house for a meal.

Children might not be very sensible but since they were adults could they not understand things clearly? Su Tang and her brother had only just started living on their own and they didn't have any money in their hands. All of their food had either been provided by their family, by Su Yongqiang's family or left by Su Laochuan. Which meant they definitely did not have a lot.

It was okay for Su Nuan to go over and play but if she wanted to stay and eat, how could that be good? Since they saw it was getting later and later the couple asked Madam Tong to go and ask Su Nuan to come home for dinner.

At Su Tang's house, Su Nuan had actually forgotten all about eating because she was so immersed in learning to braid hair, so when she heard her second sister-in-law calling her, she quickly cleaned up and went home. Su Tang didn't try to keep her. After all, she really didn't have that much money, and many things in her household weren't suitable to let outsiders see.

She had coaxed Su Nuo using the name of the River God before because the two of them were one family so some things could not be avoided. But for outsiders, even if they seemed kind, she would never let them know. She was determined to never underestimate the evil of the human heart.

After Su Nuan went back, Su Tang went inside the space to take a look at her soap and found that it had all dried. She took it out and cut the soap into equal cubes using a kitchen knife. Because she had used the big bowl at home as the mold, there was still some soap on the sides which she carefully scraped out.

After all, it was still soap. It was pretty expensive in town, so these irregular chunks of soap could be given as gifts in the village. It wouldn't lose her any face.

After cutting the soap up Su Tang put the freshly made bars all back in her space because only the space was safe. At that point, Su Tang noticed that it was getting pretty late so she began to cook.

Coincidentally, just as Su Tang finished cooking, Su Nuo came back. "Sister, I'm back. Look at what I got today."

The basket that Su Nuo had left with this morning was dusty from the road and the little guy's face was also covered with dust but he was smiling very happily.

"Dongzi, Huzi, and I originally went up the mountain to check on the tree we had seen before, but while we were walking to it, we saw a wild peach tree with many sweet fruits.

Also, when we were coming back, we saw a pheasant. We couldn't catch it but we did find it's a nest. There were five eggs inside. I brought back a few peaches and two eggs, one for both of us."

Su Nuo was excited to show Su Tang his harvest from today. Su Tang glanced over at the little guy's face that was covered with a happy smile and then down at the small wild peaches.

Compared to the food the little guy had gained from the trip, his happy smile was much more valuable in Su Tang's eyes.

In Su Dani's memories, her little brother had never smiled so happily while living in their old home with their so-called relatives. But now he could smile happily because he could finally live an easier and more joyful life.

"Well, your big sister is cooking for us now. In a few minutes, we can eat the peaches together along with dinner." Su Tang smiled and nodded at him. Their lives were good now and they would only get better and better in the future.

Su Nuo looked hesitant. "But sister, why don't we sell these wild peaches in town tomorrow instead? We should be able to sell them for a few copper coins."

This time of year peaches was ripe and in-season. Also, there were fruit farmers nearby who grew and sold peaches, so even big farm-grown peaches were not all that expensive, not to mention these kinds of small wild peaches. There was no way they would sell as well as the apples from Su Tang's space.

Su Tang knew all this, but when she saw that the little guy was so happy with the thought that he could finally make some money, Su Tang didn't refute him. Anyway, she planned to go to town tomorrow anyway, so she nodded, "Alright, let's go to town together tomorrow."

After she said that she heard the little guy's stomach growl so Su Tang urged him to quickly wash his hands and then the siblings ate together.

After they ate, Su Tang went to the Qing River to 'fish'. When she came back she sent Su Nuo outside to sort the wild peaches he had picked. Then she went into the kitchen and 'made' some fish balls. By taking all these extra steps the origin of the fish balls could be explained.

After she finished all that, Su Tang went inside the space to do her evening harvest and made some more ordinary fish balls in the processing plant. With that, she was prepared to go to Qinghe Town again the next day.

Proud Farm Girl With A Spaceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن