Chapter 87

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No wonder this little girl was able to say such words despite her young age. How could the brain of a rare genius like her and the brain of an ordinary person be the same? She clearly had the ability to surpass the rest of the world, however, she seemed indifferent to that fact.

Song Yi smiled bitterly in his heart. Because of his many years spent in a high position in the capital, he had always thought that he had experienced a lot and that there would be nothing left in life that would surprise him. However, after discovering this little girl's talent just now he had felt a surge of excitement the likes of which he hadn't experienced in years.

But, unexpectedly, it seemed that he wasn't able to see things as clearly as a small girl could. Song Yi could only sigh, he had at last found such a rare and promising talent but, since the girl didn't have the intention to use it, that was also fine. Perhaps if his own daughter had thought this way, she wouldn't have suffered so much while she was alive and ended up dying so early.

"Master?" Su Tang saw the shadow that crossed Song Yi's face and froze for a moment before calling out to him with concern.

Su Tang didn't actually have much interest in learning. To be honest, as a modern college graduate, she had already mastered all the knowledge that she needed for survival and, regarding the knowledge that the scholars of this era needed to learn, Su Tang didn't really feel it necessary to learn any of it.

After all, it wasn't like she could take the imperial examinations, and she wasn't the kind of person who was driven by a need to compete with others or show off, so she felt like it was fine not to know these kinds of obscure and scholarly things. And, although her handwriting was a little ugly, she knew she would be able to make more money in the future and, when that happened, she wouldn't have to run around all day the way she did now, so she would have time to practice slowly at home. If she did that then, naturally, she would be able to improve.

However, she had unexpectedly gotten acquainted with Song Yi. After meeting him, she had originally only thought of finding a teacher for Su Nuo but, in the end, she had ended up acknowledging him as her master herself. But even when that happened she had still mainly thought of her little brother. She thought that she could just let Su Nuo sit in on her lessons, pretend to be stupid, and let her brother learn slowly from the side.

Unfortunately, her master was too skillful and saw through her instantly, so the situation became a little troublesome. She couldn't pretend to be stupid in front of him at all and, on top of that, she also suddenly discovered that she had the ability to never forget anything after reading it once. In fact, she really wanted to complain to the orange cat about this matter because this kind of skill was really useless to her. If she were a man, then it might be useful because she would definitely be able to use it to climb to the top of the imperial examination, but she wasn't a man.

Song Yi saw the little girl's eyes which were looking at him anxiously and smiled reassuringly. "It was your master who didn't see things clearly girl. If you don't want to then master won't force you but, in the future, you will need to be careful not to be found out by others, okay?"

A rare genius like this, if she were found out by the wrong person, she would face a storm of problems.

Su Tang felt a little moved when she heard the old man warning her out of the goodness of his heart.

In fact, she had also only found out about her 'talent' by accident just now. Otherwise, there was no way she would have agreed to acknowledge someone as her master so easily yesterday. After all, she already had to be very careful with regards to her space, so how could she be willing to show off this kind of abnormality which was sure to attract all sorts of attention?

She would never underestimate the evil of human nature.

Song Yi saw that she was listening to him obediently so he patted her on the head and said with a smile. "From today on, come here and practice your writing. After all, you really can't show this kind of handwriting to anyone."

Su Tang's face quickly wrinkled with displeasure and she retorted. "It's hard to write, okay? It's really hard for me!"

Seeing the tiny little girl protesting that it was too difficult, Song Yi couldn't help laughing and exclaim: "Little devil!"

On the side, Su Nuo's head was full of question marks as he listened in and he felt like he wasn't able to learn anything at all. But he didn't dare to ask any questions because was a little afraid of his sister's master. The old man actually looked very fierce.

However, despite looking so fierce, that old man was actually very kind to him and his elder sister because of his sister, so his elder sister must also be very powerful as well. On the side, Su Nuo drew such a strange conclusion in his small head.

At this time, Pengmo happened to return with all the things that Song Yi had sent him out to buy before, and he walked over to Song Yi's side and said: "My lord, this small one bought the two sets of cotton-padded clothes as you instructed. However, Young Miss Su and the young master are both still growing, so I bought them in a larger size so that they will be able to wear them from the next few months."

Pengmo had thought about it very carefully and eventually concluded this was the best method.

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